About The Grocery Store Guy

The Grocery Store Guy site is designed to be a hub of information for grocery store owners, managers, and employees. We cover a wide range of topics from HR issues, to merchandising, to profit and loss, to operational questions.

This site is run by Jeff Campbell who was a leader for Whole Foods Market for more than 2 decades. Jeff has run stores from coast to coast including the million dollar flagship store in downtown Austin, TX.

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This website, my 4th, was born out of a visit to San Diego in August 2019 to assist an old friend from my Whole Foods days who now runs a Grocery Outlet franchise. My friend Mike was looking for help with creating spreadsheets to assist with scheduling, tracking profit and loss, as well as budgeting. My brief time consulting with Mike reminded me of how much I love the grocery industry and how much information and passion I have to share. I came back from the trip fired up about the site and launched it almost immediately.


As of this writing, the site is still really new. Most websites take about 8 months before anyone even really ever finds the site when searching on Google, so it’s still a bit of a ghost town.

I do eventually anticipate that my readers will be those firmly entrenched in the grocery industry or who have a passion for it and are looking for helpful information as the climb the corporate ladder or are considering starting their own grcoery store.


In addition to The Grocery Store Guy, I also have 3 other websites, including my original Middle Class Dad website. Those are:

Kitchen Appliance HQ

With my 20+ years of Whole Foods Market experience behind me, I launched this site in January 2019 with a focus on food and cooking tips, small kitchen appliance tips, as well as foodie topics. It is not, however, a recipe site. Instead, it’s designed to address common problems and challenges in the kitchen and inspire a passion for cooking.

Hot Tub Owner HQ

I’ve owned 4 hot tubs over the past 12 years and am a definite hot tub lover. I decided to start this site to help address all the questions I had in the early years of owning a hot tub (and some I still have). I started this site in July 2019. So if you’ve ever wondered what the best hot tub chemicals for sensitive skin are, or how to fix a waterlogged hot tub cover, my site is for you!

Middle Class Dad

Wanting a creative outlet for all the knowledge I was gaining as a parent, husband, homeowner, and personal finance enthusiast, I launched this site in August 2016 with helping other parents navigate all the same challenges I was facing. It covers a broad range of topics, but most are centered around parenting, marriage tips, travel, personal finance, and household DIY tips.