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How Much Do You Tip an Instacart Shopper? (What’s Fair?)

Instacart is a popular grocery delivery service that connects customers with personal shoppers. While many appreciate the convenience of the service, it can be challenging to know how much do you tip Instacart shopper.

It is recommended that you tip at least 10% of your order total or at least $5 as a baseline. If you had experienced exceptional service, you should consider tipping more to show your appreciation for their hard work. To sum it up, the amount you tip an Instacart shopper is up to your discretion and the quality of service you received.

Tipping is an essential aspect of the gig economy, and it can significantly impact the earnings of Instacart shoppers, who work as independent contractors. So, what’s a fair tip for an Instacart shopper? Let’s take a closer look.

  • Tipping is essential to the livelihood of Instacart shoppers who work as independent contractors.
  • Consider factors such as service quality, delivery time, and order total when determining the appropriate tip amount.
  • Recommended tip amounts vary depending on the specific situation.
  • It’s important to express appreciation for the hard work of Instacart shoppers and leave positive reviews.
  • There are ethical considerations to tipping and supporting fair wages in the service industry.

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

Understanding Instacart Shoppers and Their Work

Instacart shoppers are the backbone of the Instacart platform. These workers are independent contractors who are responsible for picking and delivering groceries to customers. There are two types of Instacart shoppers: full-service shoppers and in-store shoppers.

Full-service shoppers are responsible for the entire grocery shopping and delivery process, from selecting items on the customer’s list to delivering the order to their doorstep. In-store shoppers, on the other hand, are only responsible for selecting the groceries at the store and preparing them for pickup or delivery.

Instacart workers are classified as independent contractors, which means they are not considered employees and do not receive traditional employment benefits such as health insurance or paid time off. Instead, they are responsible for their own expenses, including the cost of their own vehicle, gas, and any necessary equipment.

instacart shoppers

Despite being classified as independent contractors, Instacart shoppers play a key role in the gig economy. They rely on tips as a significant portion of their income, in addition to the base pay they receive from Instacart. In fact, according to Instacart, tips account for the majority of their earnings.

It is important to understand the hard work and dedication that goes into being an Instacart shopper. These workers often deal with a variety of challenges, including navigating busy stores, finding hard-to-find items, and delivering orders in a timely manner. Tipping these workers is a way to show appreciation for their services and hard work.

The Impact of Tips on Instacart Shoppers’ Income

Instacart shoppers work as independent contractors and rely heavily on tips to supplement their base pay. Unlike traditional employees, gig workers are not guaranteed a fair wage and often have to work long hours to make ends meet in the gig economy. This is why tips play a significant role in Instacart shoppers’ overall income and job satisfaction.

According to Instacart, the amount of tips an individual shopper receives is based on their tip history. Customers can view a shopper’s average tip amount on their profile, which can influence the likelihood of receiving a higher or lower tip.

However, the issue of tipping in the gig economy is a complex one. While tips can help supplement income, they should not be relied on to provide a living wage. In an ideal world, companies like Instacart would pay their workers a fair wage that takes into account the cost of living and the amount of work required.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case in the gig economy, and it is up to consumers to decide how much to tip. It is important to consider the impact our tipping decisions have on gig workers and support efforts to ensure fair wages for all.

gig workers

“Tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service, but we must also recognize the importance of supporting fair wages for gig workers in the long run.”

Factors to Consider When Tipping an Instacart Shopper

When determining an appropriate tip for an Instacart shopper, it’s essential to consider various factors that can influence the service quality, delivery time, and order total. By taking these attributes into account, you can ensure that you’re tipping fairly and adequately compensating for an Instacart shopper’s work.

Firstly, consider the order attributes. Some orders may require more effort than others, such as shopping for large orders or dealing with complex items. If an Instacart shopper handles an order with exceptional care and attention to detail, this factor alone may warrant a higher tip.

Good service is another factor to consider. If an Instacart shopper communicates well, follows any specific instructions you’ve given, and provides excellent customer service throughout the process, consider giving a higher tip as a way of recognition and appreciation.

On the other hand, if you experience bad service or inaccurate orders, you may choose to give a lower tip. However, it’s essential to consider the cause of the problem as the Instacart shopper may have had issues with out-of-stock items or incorrect information given by the customer.

Delivery time is also significant when considering an appropriate tip. If an Instacart shopper delivers your order quickly and efficiently, it can be an indication of their hard work and dedication. A tip reflecting the quick delivery time is a great way to recognize that effort.

The final factor to consider is the order total. If the order is significant, it may warrant a higher tip as the shopper may have had to carry and transport more items. However, if the order is small or the Instacart shopper did not have to travel far, a lower tip may be appropriate.

order attributes

In essence, when considering a good tip for an Instacart shopper, it’s essential to look beyond the service provided. By evaluating the effort, time, and total amount of the order, you can provide a fair and appropriate tip for the service they provide.

Recommended Tip Amounts for Different Situations

When it comes to tipping Instacart shoppers, it’s important to consider various factors before deciding on an appropriate amount. The minimum default tip on the Instacart platform is set at 5% of the order total, but this isn’t necessarily the right amount for every situation. Depending on the size of the order, the quality of service, and other factors, you may choose to give a larger or smaller tip to show your appreciation.

Here are some guidelines for tipping different amounts based on different scenarios:

Scenario Recommended Tip Amount
Minimum tip for average service 5% of the order total
Large order with good service 10% or more of the order total
Low order total with excellent service A minimum of $5
Higher tip for exceptional service or difficult order 15% or more of the order total

Keep in mind that these tips are only recommendations, and it’s up to you to decide what feels appropriate based on your individual circumstances. If you’re unsure about how much to tip, consider the effort and time that went into fulfilling your order, as well as any additional factors like long delivery times or special requests.

Remember, tipping is a way to show your appreciation for the hard work that Instacart shoppers put in to make your grocery shopping experience easier. By tipping an appropriate amount, you’re supporting gig workers and helping to ensure they receive a fair wage.

Appropriate tip

When using Instacart, it’s important to understand the fees associated with your order. The service fee and delivery fee are two charges that are added to your order total. The service fee is a percentage-based fee that goes to Instacart, while the delivery fee covers the cost of delivering your order from the store to your location.

The service fee ranges from 5% to 10% of your order total. This fee is used by Instacart to pay for its operation costs, such as payment processing and customer support. The delivery fee, on the other hand, varies based on the size of your order and the distance from the store to your location.

It’s important to note that Instacart offers a free delivery option for orders over a certain amount. The amount varies by location and store, but it’s typically around $35. If your order total is below the free delivery threshold, you will need to pay the delivery fee.

When determining an appropriate tip amount for your Instacart shopper, it’s important to consider the impact of these fees on the overall cost of your order. If you receive free delivery, for example, you may want to consider adding a slightly higher tip to ensure your shopper receives fair compensation for their services.

Fee Description
Service fee A percentage-based fee that goes to Instacart and covers operational costs
Delivery fee A fee that covers the cost of delivering your order from the store to your location
Free delivery Instacart offers free delivery for orders over a certain amount, which varies by location and store

Should You Tip Instacart Shoppers in Cash or Through the App?

Now that you have an idea of how much to tip your Instacart shopper, the question remains: should you tip in cash or through the app? The answer is up to you and your personal preference.

If you choose to tip in cash, make sure to have the appropriate amount ready when your shopper arrives. Many shoppers appreciate cash tips because they can use the money right away without having to wait for the app payout. However, keep in mind that cash tips are not trackable, so they may not show up in your shopper’s tip history.

If you prefer to tip through the app, you can add the tip amount during the checkout process. Instacart allows you to adjust the tip up to 24 hours after delivery if you wish to modify the amount later. You can tip with a debit or credit card, which is convenient for those who do not carry cash. Additionally, tipping through the app ensures that the tip is trackable and included in your shopper’s tip history.

Keep in mind that Instacart does not allow shoppers to see the total order amount until after they complete the delivery. If you choose to tip through the app, consider tipping generously to show your appreciation for their hard work.

In conclusion, whether you choose to tip in cash or through the app, what matters most is that you show appreciation for the hard work your Instacart shopper puts in to deliver your groceries. At the end of the day, tipping is a nice gesture that can go a long way in supporting these essential workers.

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

How to Save and Adjust Your Tip on Instacart

It’s important to know how to save and adjust your tip on Instacart to ensure that you are tipping fairly and accurately. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you out:

Step 1: Access Your Tip History

The first step is to access your tip history on the Instacart app or website. This will show you the tips you have previously given and allow you to adjust them if necessary. To access your tip history, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instacart app or website and log in to your account
  2. Click on “Account”
  3. Click on “Order History”
  4. Find the order you want to adjust the tip for and click on it
  5. Scroll down to the “Tip” section to view your tip history

Step 2: Modify Your Tip Amount

If you want to adjust your tip amount, click on the “Modify” button next to the order you want to change. From there, you can either increase or decrease the tip amount by selecting one of the preset options or manually typing in a custom amount.

Keep in mind that you can only adjust your tip amount up to 24 hours after the order was completed.

Step 3: Ensure Your Tip is Included During Checkout

Once you’ve modified your tip amount, make sure it’s included during checkout. When you reach the checkout page, double-check that the tip amount is correct before finalizing the order.

By following these simple steps, you can save and adjust your tip on Instacart with ease and ensure that you’re tipping your shoppers fairly.

Don’t forget that your tip is an important way to show appreciation for the hard work of Instacart shoppers. Adjusting your tip to reflect great service is always appreciated.

Expressing Appreciation for Instacart Shoppers’ Hard Work

Instacart shoppers work hard to provide you with quality service and ensure your groceries are delivered promptly. Showing appreciation for their hard work can go a long way in making their day.

If your Instacart shopper did a good job, let them know! A simple “good job” or “great job” can make their day. If they went above and beyond to provide great service, consider leaving a note expressing your gratitude.

Remember, Instacart shoppers are independent contractors and do not have the same job security as traditional employees. Letting them know that their hard work and great service is appreciated can make a big difference in their day-to-day experience with the platform.

If you are pleased with the service you received, don’t hesitate to leave a positive review. This not only shows appreciation for the shopper’s hard work, but it can also increase their chances of receiving future orders.

shoppers appreciation

Expressing appreciation for Instacart shoppers’ hard work is not only a nice gesture, but it also helps support independent contractors in the gig economy.

The Ethical Considerations of Tipping Instacart Shoppers

Tipping has always been a topic of discussion in the service industry, and with the rise of gig economy jobs like grocery delivery services, the debate over fair wages has become more prominent. Delivery workers, including Instacart employees, often earn base pay that is below a living wage, and tips play a crucial role in supplementing their income.

While it is important to recognize the hard work and dedication of Instacart shoppers and leave a good tip, it is equally important to consider the ethical implications of relying on tips as a source of income. By tipping generously, we can support fair wages for these workers, but we must also recognize that it is not their responsibility to rely on tips to make ends meet.

As consumers, it is important to support fair labor practices and advocate for living wages for all workers. While tipping can provide immediate relief, it does not address the larger issue of wage inequity in the service industry. Instead of solely relying on tips, we should support policies and initiatives that aim to create a fair and just system for all workers.

Overall, tipping Instacart shoppers is a way to express appreciation for their hard work and excellent service. However, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications of relying on tips as a means of supplementing income, and to support efforts towards creating fair and equitable labor practices for all workers in the service industry.

So, what’s the short answer to how much to tip Instacart shoppers? It depends on various factors such as service quality, order attributes, and delivery time. However, tipping Instacart shoppers is a nice gesture to show your appreciation for their hard work.

The best way to tip an Instacart shopper is through the app, as it ensures they receive the full amount. You can save and adjust your tip on the Instacart platform, making it convenient and hassle-free.

Expressing Appreciation for Instacart Shoppers

Remember, Instacart shoppers work hard to deliver your groceries and ensure your satisfaction. Expressing your appreciation for their great service by leaving positive feedback is a simple but impactful way to show your gratitude.

The Ethical Considerations of Tipping Instacart Shoppers

It’s essential to remember that tipping is not a substitute for a fair wage. Instacart shoppers are independent contractors, and tipping should not replace the need for fair compensation. As consumers, we have a responsibility to support fair wages and advocate for a living wage for delivery workers.

Overall, tipping Instacart shoppers is a nice gesture that can make a significant impact on their income. Remember to consider all the factors discussed in this article when determining an appropriate tip amount, and don’t forget to express your appreciation for their hard work and great service.


Q: Who are Instacart shoppers and what do they do?

A: Instacart shoppers are independent contractors who fulfill grocery orders placed through the Instacart platform. They can be divided into two categories: full-service shoppers who handle both picking and delivering orders, and in-store shoppers who focus solely on picking the groceries in the store.

Q: How do tips impact an Instacart shopper’s income?

A: Tips greatly impact an Instacart shopper’s income. While they receive a base pay, tips contribute significantly to their overall earnings. Fair and generous tips help ensure that Instacart shoppers can make a decent wage in the gig economy.

Q: What factors should I consider when tipping an Instacart shopper?

A: When determining an appropriate tip for an Instacart shopper, consider factors such as order attributes (size, complexity), the quality of service received, prompt delivery, and the total cost of the order. Taking these into account can guide you in tipping a fair amount.

Q: What is the difference between Instacart’s service fee and delivery fee?

A: Instacart’s service fee is a fee charged by the platform for using its delivery service, while the delivery fee is charged specifically for bringing the groceries to your location. It’s important to note that these fees do not go directly to the shopper, so remember to tip separately.

Q: Should I tip Instacart shoppers in cash or through the app?

A: Tipping through the app is recommended as it provides a convenient and secure way to show your appreciation. However, if you prefer to tip in cash, that is also accepted. Either way, make sure to tip generously to recognize the hard work of the Instacart shopper.

Q: How can I save and adjust my tip on Instacart?

A: To save and adjust your tip on Instacart, go to the tip history section on the checkout page. From there, you can modify the tip amount as needed. It’s important to double-check that the tip is included before finalizing your order.

Q: How can I express appreciation for Instacart shoppers’ hard work?

A: Showing your appreciation for Instacart shoppers’ hard work can be as simple as saying “good job” or “great service” when they deliver your groceries. Leaving a positive review on the Instacart app or website also goes a long way in expressing your gratitude.

Q: What are the ethical considerations of tipping Instacart shoppers?

A: Tipping Instacart shoppers is an ethical consideration as it directly impacts their ability to earn a fair wage. By tipping generously and supporting fair wages in the gig economy, you contribute to better livelihoods for delivery workers and instill a sense of fairness in the service industry.

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

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Jeff Campbell