Is It Hard to Get Hired at Whole Foods? (Insider Tips!)

Working at a prominent grocery like Whole Foods has excellent benefits for full and part-time employees, as it opens multiple avenues for their future careers. But it also leaves many wondering is it hard to get hired at Whole Foods?

Yes, it can be hard to get hired at Whole Foods. They typically get a larger pool of applicants than they have positions for. They also run background checks & screenings before interviewing. To get hired there, it helps to have a friend working there and to be persistent, but not pushy, with the hiring leaders.

But how to get a job at Whole Food? Do Whole Foods hire on the spot, and do they need a resume?

We’ll answer all of these questions and more.

Keep reading!

How can I get a job at Whole Foods? 

Whole Foods has an entire section of its website dedicated to its hiring process. They want you to take the time to get to know the company before you apply. And applying is not as simple as just hitting an “Apply” button.

Whole Food is a popular place to work, and for a good reason, so follow these steps as suggested on their site, and you’ll be well on your way to working at Whole Foods.


Do some research about the company to find out what makes them tick. Follow them on social media. Go through their website. Or talk to friends and family who already work there.

If you walk into an interview and have no idea what makes Whole Foods different than a Safeway, Kroger, or Publix, that will be a huge red flag to them.

Look at available jobs

Head over to their careers page and read the job descriptions. They have lots of positions available. You might find at least one position that appeals to you.

Submit your application

Be sure that it’s accurate and complete without any errors.

Include a cover letter and resume. It may feel unnecessary, but these are an excellent way for a potential employer to get to know you. It also shows a level of professionalism than many others won’t have.

Keep them short and sweet though; 1 page each. No endless stream of letters of recommendation that no one is ever going to read, or long lists of references no one is ever going to call.

Resumes just need the 1-3 most recent jobs you’ve done unless there’s something highly relevant from your past that you spent years doing.

Ultimately, you’ll stand out from the sea of other applications.

Talk with a recruiter

After you’ve submitted your application, a recruiter may reach out to you via email.

Ultimately, they usually get way more applicants than they have jobs for. So they don’t have time to personally call everyone. If you do get selected, they’ll schedule a quick, informal call.

This is your first impression of the company. Be sure to ask the right questions and tell the recruiter a little bit about yourself. Be engaging, not too long-winded, but don’t just answer with “yes” or “no” either.

Get them excited about the possibility of hiring you.

Talk with a hiring manager

Next, you’ll talk to a hiring manager for a more in-depth conversation. This will be slightly more formal and more tailored to the job you’ve applied for. In most cases, this will be over the phone or a quick, casual meeting in the store; not an interview.

The hiring manager could be someone from HR. But more likely, they will be one of the department managers in the store (what’s called a Team Leader).

You’ll want to look them in the eye, smile, and connect with them in a casual, friendly way.

Even if the employees in the store are wearing shorts and T-shirts, take the time to dress to impress. I don’t mean a suit or fancy dress. But dress a little bit nicer than everyone else. It will help you stand out.

Panel interview

The final and sometimes the scariest step is the panel interview. You’ll speak to a group of your peers at a single interview. Depending on the position you’re applying for, this panel could include some, if not all, of the following people:

  • The store manager (what they call Store Team Leader)
  • Department manager (what they call Team Leader)
  • A regional buyer or coordinator for the department you’re applying for
  • Someone from Human Resources at the store (or sometimes regional) level
  • 2-4 team members from the department you’re applying for

In the end, I’ve seen panels as small as 3-4 people and some as large as 20. But somewhere around 7-8 people is probably more the average.

The panel takes the final decision on whether you’ll get hired.

I wrote this recent article that covers everything you need to know about getting a job at a grocery store. I even include a few insider tips that I learned over the years from hiring thousands of people at Whole Foods Market.

Just click the link to read it on my site!

How long does it take to get hired at Whole Foods?

You can expect the hiring process at Whole Foods Market to take between 2-3 weeks. But the supply and demand for employees can affect that as well as the specific position you are applying for.

So ultimately, it’s going to depend on several factors.

If there is a position with high demand, you’re likely to get hired faster than if there is a position with less urgency.

It’ll also depend on how busy the Team Leader is and how many applicants he or she is interviewing. When I got hired at Whole Foods, I walked in and filled out an application. Then I got called 2 hours later for an interview and started that evening.

But times were a little simpler back then.

According to some reviews on Indeed, you can be hired on the spot or in 2-3 weeks. If you feel like it’s taking longer than you’d like to get hired, reach out to the hiring manager.

Politely introduce yourself and indicate that you submitted a resume. You would like a status update and perhaps a quick chat. Don’t be pushy, but make it known that you are interested in the position.

Once you get hired, keep in mind that working at a grocery store can be very stressful at times.

It’s essential to remain calm during those most stressful times. Try not to get overwhelmed, and if you do, be sure to have some coping mechanisms in your back pocket.

If you aren’t sure what I mean by “coping mechanisms,” I wrote this recent article that talks about what coping mechanisms can help reduce stress. I also talk about what it’s like to work in a grocery store as well as how to handle demanding customers.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Do Whole Foods hire on the spot?

Sometimes, but it is probably not likely.

Typically, getting hired at any job takes a bit of time. However, positions with high need will be the positions that will fill the fastest.

Background checks, and high competition for available spots, and tighter HR restrictions all limit how quickly the hiring process moves.

That’s why it’s good to know all the different positions available. I have a recent article that talks about all of the various positions in the grocery store and what it takes to work in those positions.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

However, there are many things you can do that will increase your chances of not only getting hired but getting hired quickly.

A friend working at Whole Foods would be the first step. Having a friend in your corner is like having an inside line into the company, especially one that is well-regarded among peers.

Things like having a positive attitude, an affinity for punctuality, and ample availability will all be beneficial in getting you hired quickly.

Do you need a resume for Whole Foods?

You don’t need one for lower-level positions at Whole Foods Market, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. If you are pursuing a leadership position, you should absolutely have a resume on hand.

Having a resume will just be another way for you to stand out in the crowd. A resume, along with a cover letter, shows that you are serious about getting a job.

It shows dedication and that you are putting in the time to really make an impression.

If an applicant is going to put in the extra effort to submit a polished resume and cover letter, there’s no telling what kind of employee they will make. I imagine it would be someone that I’d want to work next!

Over the years (I first became a Team Leader there in 1992), I literally hired thousands of people. I’ve seen it all in terms of applications, resumes, interviews, etc; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It’s ALWAYS better to be over-prepared and overly-professional than it is to be under-prepared and less-professional.

So have a resume. Show up for your interview early and patiently wait. Dress to impress.

How do I ace a Whole Foods interview?

Make sure you’ve researched the company. A standard question at just about any interview you’ll have at any company is, “Why do you want to work here.” You must be able to answer this question honestly. You won’t be able to do that if you don’t even know what the company stands for.

Acing the Whole Foods interview is a lot like acing any other interview.

Whole Foods Market has been around almost 40 years at this point. Things have changed a lot and will continue to change. But there are, and have always been a few core things that make Whole Foods special and popular.

Luckily, I detail that in a recent article.

If you aren’t that familiar with the company, my article can give you a lot of insider tips and knowledge. So definitely click that link to check it out on my website.

Be honest and be yourself. Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but you have to try not to be intimidated.

A big part of the hiring process is the panel interview. Before the panel interview, you’ll have a chance to talk to Team Members. Take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions and really get to know about the position for which you are interviewed.

Talking to Team Members is the first step to knowing what to expect from the panel interview as well as forming relationships.

Maximize your time with the Team Members. Ask questions. Get to know them to be fully prepared for your panel interview.

Whole Foods makes it easy to be ready for the application process as well as the interview process. In fact, they have an entire web page devoted to applying for and getting a job at Whole Foods. Be certain to read it carefully before your interview

Final Thoughts

It can be a challenge to get a job at Whole Foods, but don’t let that discourage you from applying.

It’s challenging because they are a popular place to work and treat employees well. If you stand out in the sea of applications, you are very likely to get hired.

Submit a cover letter with your application and follow-up if necessary. Research the company as well as the position you are applying for.

And be ready to make an excellent first impression.

Does Instacart Take EBT? (Yes, at select retailers)

On a reduced or limited income, times can be tough without the support of SNAP and EBT cards. But home grocery delivery or pickup is often seen as a premium service. So Does Instacart take EBT?

Instacart does take EBT cards and SNAP benefits at Aldi, Food Lion, and Publix stores in select states. Simply add the valid EBT card information at checkout on Instacart.

But Instacart is not your only option, and EBT is not all about limitations. Therefore there’s much more you need to know about using government assistance with online grocery delivery services.

Keep reading to know more!

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

And before we dive in, I think it’s important to clarify some of the terms as things like food stamps, “government benefits” SNAP, and other terms often get thrown around interchangeably.

So the main terms are:

  • Food stamps – Another (older) term for The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which provides money for groceries to lower-income families
  • SNAP benefits – The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which provides money for groceries to lower-income families
  • EBT – A SNAP electronic payment system used by all SNAP beneficiaries. All other forms of food stamps were eliminated in 2004.
  • WIC – Similar, but different than SNAP. WIC stands for The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, providing food benefits to lower-income pregnant women, women who recently had a baby, breastfeeding women, and woman with infants and children up to age 5. (source)

Can I buy food online with EBT?

Online grocery shopping has taken off in the last few years.

Until recently, this time-saving option has not been available to folks that use EBT/SNAP benefits to purchase their groceries.

Fortunately, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the federal agency that oversees the SNAP program launched the EBT Online Purchasing Pilot. This pilot program allows states to add online purchasing as an option for EBT cardholders.

Amazon and Walmart accept EBT payment online from just about every state. source

However, there are some rules when it comes to paying with EBT online. You can only purchase EBT eligible items. You can’t pay delivery fees, tips, or other associated charges with SNAP benefits. Those extra charges will have to be paid for with a different form of payment.

Unfortunately, Instacart recently joined the program, but currently only accept it at Aldi in select states.

If you are still interested in how Instacart pickup works, check out my recent article I get into all the details of how it works, how much to tip, and how quickly you can expect your groceries to be ready.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Can you use EBT for Aldi delivery?

Yes. Aldi will accept EBT payment through Instacart in select states. As The Instacart website does not note those states, check with Instacart or Aldi in your area to verify.

Like Walmart, Aldi uses Instacart for its delivery service. Thankfully, Instacart just joined the USDA pilot program that allows online purchasing for EBT customers.

So in many locations, you can now use your EBT card at Aldi through Instacart.

Ordering groceries to be delivered via Instacart is easy to do through the website or the mobile app. You’ll input some personal information, such as your zip code, to show which stores are available in your area. Instacart doesn’t work with every store, so just select the store that shows up on your app or the website.

Once you’ve picked your store, load up your virtual cart to place an order. In most cases, your Instacart order can be delivered within an hour.

Once the driver brings your groceries, and the transaction is complete, don’t forget to tip your driver.

Not sure how much to tip? Just read this recent article where I talk about how and how much you should tip your driver, especially if you plan to do it through the app itself instead of with cash.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Can you use EBT for Walmart’s delivery?

Walmart’s grocery delivery using EBT is currently available only in New York State.

However, you may be able to use EBT/SNAP for Walmart Grocery Pickup, depending on the state you live in.

Just order your groceries at or through the Walmart mobile app. Put all of your groceries in the cart and select the time you want to pick up your groceries.

During checkout, select the EBT Card as your payment method. When you pick up your groceries, the Walmart associate will be able to swipe your card at the pickup.

When you get to Walmart to pick up your groceries, the associate will know that you are paying with EBT. Any items that are not eligible for EBT can be paid for with another payment method like credit or debit.

While it’s not as convenient as having your groceries delivered, it will be much more comfortable for whoever may be driving you to the store. They won’t have to wait an hour or so while you do your shopping. And you won’t feel like you’re putting someone out so much.

However, using your EBT/SNAP benefits for pickup is not available in every state.

Currently, only the following are the states that offer the benefit:

  • Arkansas
  • Alaska
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • South Carolina
  • Utah 


I know that this information conflicts with the information above.

My best advice is just to try it out. Perhaps Walmart hasn’t updated their website yet. Put a few items in your cart and act like you are going to check out. See if the app or website gives you the option to pay with EBT.

It’s possible that the USDA has permitted other states, and it just hasn’t been implemented yet.

Can EBT be used on Amazon?

Maybe is the short answer.

Customers in “select states” can use SNAP EBT on Amazon groceries, Amazon Pantry, and Amazon Fresh. In fact, not only can you use EBT, but as an EBT cardholder, you can get a discount on Amazon Prime.

To use your EBT card on Amazon, you first need to register your card using this link.

Just follow the instructions on the screen. If you are not already an Amazon customer, you’ll need to create an account. Once you have created your account, you’ll enter your zip code and SNAP EBT cart information.

You can also add your EBT card during checkout as well.

In many states, you won’t need to have an Amazon Prime membership to shop Amazon Fresh with your EBT card. But as Amazon states, “Amazon accepts SNAP EBT in all states except: Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine and Montana. See FAQ for more information.”

The good news is that Amazon offers a 50% discount on Amazon Prime for EBT and Medicaid cardholders.

Shopping Amazon with EBT is probably a better deal than shopping with Instacart anyway, as Instacart’s prices are an average of 15% more than at the grocery store. This can add up if you have a lot of mouths to feed.

Just read this recent article to learn more about Instacart’s pricing. Just click the link to read it on my site.

Does DoorDash accept EBT?

If you want to have groceries delivered from Walmart, using DoorDash may be an option.

DoorDash delivers for Walmart in 46 states, and they do not charge higher than store prices. Walmart recommends not tipping drivers.

I wrote this recent article about how DoorDash works with Walmart delivery.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Unfortunately, DoorDash does not accept EBT as payment. DoorDash typically delivers food for restaurants, and you can’t use EBT to purchase hot, prepared foods. They are simply not a part of the USDA pilot program.

Final Thoughts

So now you know that Instacart doesn’t accept EBT for its delivery or pickup services except at select Aldi locations. You can also not use your EBT with DoorDash.

However, there are still many options out there for delivery and pickup services if you are using EBT for payment. For instance, Amazon and Walmart grocery pickup. You may even get a discount on an Amazon Prime membership with an EBT card.

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

The Grocery Store Guy, part of the Middle Class Dad family of websites, is reader-supported and when you make a purchase through some of my links, I  may earn a small commission from the sale, which in no way increases the cost to you. Learn more HERE.

Can You Be Fired for Using PTO? (Yes, here’s how)

If you’ve been at a job for any period of time, there is a chance you’ve accrued some paid time off (PTO). If it’s getting close to the end of the year, and your PTO doesn’t rollover, you definitely want to use it so you don’t lose it. But can you be fired for using PTO?

No, most employers will not fire an employee for using PTO. But, at-will employees can be fired at any time for any reason that doesn’t violate EEOC policy. Employees do need to follow proper time-off request policies & return to work as agreed or risk violating a company’s time and attendance policies.

But that’s just a quick snapshot. And sometimes the laws vary from state to state. So let’s dig in a little deeper and see if we can get you a more detailed answer to your specific problem.

Does your employer have to give you the time off when you request it? If they don’t give you the time off, do they have to pay you the unused PTO? Can they fire you when you get back to work after using PTO?

We’ll answer all of these questions and more.

Just keep reading!

Can I use my PTO whenever I want?

This will vary widely by the employer, and you should check your employee handbook and/or check with your HR department.

Typically, if you are a new employee, there will be some sort of probationary period before you can use PTO.

Generally, you can use PTO whenever you want. Some companies have specific limits for time off (paid and unpaid) broken out into different categories such as sick time, personal time, and vacations.

Other companies just grant employees a set amount of PTO to use anytime they are unable to work or don’t want to work.

If you get sick and need a sick day, you’ll be using PTO. Going on a cruise next month? PTO. So yes, you can use it whenever you want as long as you get approval from your supervisor first.

Depending on the company, they may have days that you’re not allowed to take a vacation. If you’re in retail, and they have a policy that everyone works on Black Friday, then you likely won’t be able to use PTO.

Or if you work in a small department, you may not be able to take PTO at the same time as another coworker.

When I was at Whole Foods Market, the busiest times of year were Thanksgiving week, Christmas week, and New Year’s week. We very rarely allowed anyone to take vacations during those weeks as it was all hands on deck.

That’s the reality for most retail stores.

But teachers almost always get most of those weeks off since schools are closed. So it all depends on the category your employer falls into.

Just be sure to follow company policy when it comes to taking PTO. And remember that employers don’t necessarily have to approve it. Especially if it will leave your employer short-handed.

Can an employer revoke PTO?

There’s no federal law requiring that employers give employees vacation or sick leave. And only a few states require that employees be given sick leave.

Because of this, there is no law preventing your boss from denying PTO, even after it’s been approved. (source)

So yes, your employer can revoke your PTO.

But it’s very unlikely; especially if you work for a reputable company. To be competitive and get (and keep) good employees, employers will offer PTO.

Any company that pulls PTO will get terrible reviews on Glassdoor. And they will have a really hard time keeping talented, hard-working employees. Right now there may be more people looking for jobs than there are jobs available. But that changes from year to year and city to city.

A good employer values their reputation in the workforce. Another thing that will ruin a company’s culture and reputation is gossiping.

When you work with a lot of other people, gossip is a natural by-product of that. While sometimes harmless, it can often be considered “creating a hostile work environment.”

Gossip is mean-spirited and not appropriate in the workplace. If you engage in it, you can end up jobless.

I wrote this recent article where I discuss the pitfalls of gossiping in the workplace and how it can lead to disciplinary action.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What happens if I don’t use my PTO?

If you’re given PTO, you should definitely use it. Taking PTO can often feel like you’re doing something wrong. Sometimes it can even put you in a negative light and affect your career advancement.

That was especially true for me as a leader for Whole Foods. I had been there so long, I got 6 weeks of PTO each year (which luckily rolled over). But I never took that much time off out of fear of how my bosses would perceive it.

But PTO is there for a reason. Some studies show using your PTO days can be beneficial for your health and well-being.

One recent study found that vacationing more could actually be considered a risk-reducing lifestyle change. In fact, people that took the maximum 15 days of PTO faced a 1% probability of developing metabolic syndrome (risk of heart attack & stroke).

People that didn’t take any vacation days had a 47% probability of developing metabolic syndrome!

But if you are adamant about not taking any PTO, it’s really going to depend on your employer.

Some employers will allow you to roll over vacation days. This means that last year’s unused PTO will carry over into the next year, with some sort of cap on the amount of accrued days.

Some employers will let you “cash-out” those days, and just give you a check for the value of the days.

Others will have a “use it or lose it” policy, meaning that if you don’t use your PTO days, you’ll lose them. You’ll have to wait until next year to go on vacation.

So dust off that handy dandy employee manual and take a look. If you’re going to lose your days, you may as well take them. That’s why they give them to you, after all.

Can I be fired after returning from vacation?

Employees can be fired for anything that’s not protected by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (think gender, race, pregnancy, and disability), particularly if they are an at-will employee.

That means they live in a state in the US that is considered an “at-will” state.

An at-will employee can be fired at any time, for any reason, with a few exceptions that would violate federal employment law, like discrimination.

I go into a lot more details about what an at-will state is, including a state-by-state guide, in a recent article geared towards firing employees with a bad attitude.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Now, having said that, I firmly believe that employers have a moral obligation to be firm, fair, and consistent. And an obligation to make expectations and consequences crystal clear.

So if you’ve followed your company handbook, that spells out company policy, including the PTO policy, you shouldn’t get fired.

If you do get fired, and you’re surprised by it, I implore you to take a deep look inward.

Are you a team player? Do you do the minimum, or do you really give it your all? Did you come back from vacation when you were supposed to?

If you are genuinely surprised by being fired, then that’s a sign of poor leadership, and a reflection on your boss more than it is on you.

Does my employer have to give me time off if I have PTO?

There’s no federal law requiring that employers give employees vacation or sick leave. And only a few states require that employees be given sick leave.

As a result, this means they don’t have to give you time off if you have PTO.

Not only would it be bad practice to just deny employees PTO that they’ve accrued, but it would also be morally and ethically wrong.

However, it is perfectly reasonable for some employers to have “blackout” dates where you’re just not allowed to use PTO. Black Friday and big holidays for retail workers, for example, as I got into above.

Or if they have a policy that only one employee can be out at a time, and someone is already out the week you want to take off.

Or if everyone wants the Monday after the Superbowl off. It’s just not feasible.

If you’re asking for PTO at a time that could hurt your employer, or if it’s going to leave them short-handed, then they can, and probably should deny your PTO request.

Good employers try to be fair and reasonable, even when it comes to firing employees. That’s why it’s unlikely that you’ll ever get fired over the phone.

Unless of course, you’re just impossible to reach.

Read this recent article geared towards employers about firing employees over the phone if you want the scoop on how you could get fired over the phone.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Final Thoughts

Every state or even local municipalities may have different laws regarding the use of PTO.

Generally, if you have accrued PTO, and follow company policy, you won’t be fired. Just be sure to follow company policy and return to work when scheduled.

Keep in mind that companies value employees who come in as scheduled, have good attitudes, and are generally team players.

If that sounds like you, you should be good to go on that vacation!

Is Sprouts Better Than Whole Foods? (No. Here’s why)

If you’re a Whole Foods shopper, you probably love natural, healthy foods. But you also know that they can be a bit pricey. You’ve heard about Sprouts and have heard that they may be cheaper. So is Sprouts better than Whole Foods?

Sprouts Farmers Market stores are not as good of a store as Whole Foods Market stores. While they may be cheaper on conventionally grown produce items, their overall selection & customer service is limited, and unlike Whole Foods Market, Sprouts does sell products with artificial ingredients.

But that’s just a quick answer. There are a lot of questions people have when comparing Sprouts Farmers Market and Whole Foods Market.

Is Sprouts owned by Whole Foods? Are they really cheaper and do they sell all-natural or all organic foods?

I’ll answer all of these questions and more in this article.

Just keep reading!

Whole Foods or Sprouts lg

Is Sprouts owned by Whole Foods?

No is the short answer.

Sprouts Farmers Market stores have a very similar look and feel of a Whole Foods Market store circa 1992. This can be reminiscent of a more traditional natural foods store. It can also make you wonder if Sprouts is owned by Whole Foods.

The first Sprouts Farmers Market was opened in 2002 by Stan and Shon Boney in Chandler, Arizona.

They are still a privately owned Arizona-based chain with locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, and Texas. They are, however, publically traded on the stock market under the letters SFM.

Whole Foods Market is based out of Austin, TX, and operates stores all over the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Whole Foods was bought by Amazon in 2017. But founder John Mackey still ran the company as CEO up until September 2022.

Whole Foods and Sprouts are very similar stores.

They both sell mostly natural and organic products. And, both stores sell health products, like vitamins and supplements. Both Sprouts and Whole Foods have in-store dining areas and sell fresh salads and sandwiches.

Despite these similarities, Sprouts and Whole Foods are not affiliated. In fact, on their website, Sprouts makes a bit of a dig at Whole Foods.

Knowing that Whole Foods has gained the moniker “Whole Paycheck”, Sprouts says “…no more spending an entire paycheck for food from the honest effort of a farmer …” right on their About page.

Their goal is to sell farm-fresh produce and other healthy items at an affordable price. They want to create a grocery experience where shoppers don’t “have to be wealthy to eat healthy!”

Is Sprouts a good grocery store?

I have shopped there, but overall, I’m not crazy about them. Here’s why.

Like Whole Foods, Sprouts sells a variety of health food products:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • General groceries for babies, pets, and the household

Sprouts has a large variety of natural, organic, and non-GMO items. They are also very affordable.

Just like Whole Foods, they have an in-house butcher, seafood, and a full-service deli. However, if you recall, in the above section, I mentioned they looked like a Whole Foods store circa 1992.

That’s not an accident.

Sprouts intentionally wanted to make their stores look and feel the way Whole Foods stores did before they went public and started trying to become the large multi-national corporation they are today.

So Sprouts went after all the old hippies and disgruntled shoppers who felt disenfranchised by Whole Foods going “corporate” (I know, I was there on the frontlines at Whole Foods then).

The problem is (at least with me) that it’s just a veneer.

If you look closely at some of the products at Sprouts (especially the candy in the bulk bins), you’ll see tons of artificial colors. The overall mix of products may be all-natural (they claim 90% on their FAQ page). But one of the big reasons people shop at Whole Foods is so they DON’T have to read the label.

They know everything at Whole Foods is all-natural or organically-grown.

But sometimes Whole Foods is more expensive on some items. Just read this recent article for more information about Whole Foods pricing. What really surprised me was how much money in fines Whole Foods has paid for incorrect pricing.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Is Sprouts produce cheaper than Whole Foods?

Not really, is the short answer.

According to Sprouts is one of the six cheapest grocery stores in the U.S.  And, Sprouts focuses on bringing affordable, fresh produce to consumers.

They get produce shipments delivered frequently and focus on quality and freshness. As a result, they have an excellent selection of high-quality, reasonably priced produce.

Now that being said, what I usually notice when I shop there is non-organic items like onions front and center at a rock bottom price. But then as you go further into the Produce department, you don’t always see cheaper produce; especially on the organically-grown items.

So they put the cheap stuff up front to imply that the whole department is inexpensive. But that’s just not always true.

According to CNBC, since Amazon purchased Whole Foods, prices have dropped dramatically on several items. Particularly on natural and organic food.

Before the purchase of Whole Foods, products at Sprouts used to be about 20% less expensive than the same products at Whole Foods. Now Sprouts is 1.3% more expensive than Whole Foods.

There may be some areas, like produce and meat, that are more expensive at Whole Foods than they are at Sprouts. This is because Whole Foods really focuses on where their products are coming from. Whole Foods also works very closely with ranchers and farmers to ensure the wellbeing of animals that are being raised for meat.

Overall, the standards are just higher at Whole Foods Market. And with pricing changes thanks to Amazon’s buying of the company, the only reason to shop at Sprouts would be convenience; not price.

I think it’s worth paying a little extra if it means that cows are living their best life and being humanely slaughtered.

Is Sprouts all organic or all-natural?

No, is the short answer.

Sprouts may want consumers to believe that they are all organic or all-natural, but in truth, they sell many products with artificial ingredients.

As I mentioned above, they claim that about 90% of the products they carry are natural or organic. This means that there are items peppered throughout the store that contain artificial ingredients, colors, and sweeteners.

This can make it really difficult to ensure that the items you are purchasing don’t contain artificial ingredients. Especially if you are new to reading labels.

Many Americans don’t realize how much artificial stuff they are eating. And when you are new to shopping organically or naturally, it can be really time-consuming to read all of the labels and decipher what is or isn’t natural.

Whole Foods makes it easy to find those items because everything in the store is free from artificial ingredients, artificial colors, and artificial sweeteners.

As a shopper, it can be time-consuming to read labels, especially if you are new to purchasing foods without artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, and preservatives.

That’s why Sprouts just can’t compare and one of the things that make Whole Foods Market a better choice.

To read more about why Whole Foods is so popular, just read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Is meat better at Whole Foods or Sprouts?

Meat is by far better at Whole Foods than it is at Sprouts.

Whole Foods has over 100 animal welfare standards that must be met before meat is sold in the store.

These standards don’t just apply to beef cattle. They also apply to:

  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Lamb
  • Goat
  • Turkey

If an animal EVER gets an antibiotic treatment, it won’t be sold at Whole Foods. They also don’t permit added growth hormone or animal by-products. Whole Foods also ensures that animals are raised, transported, and slaughtered humanely.

Because there are such stringent standards to the meat that is sold at Whole Foods, you can rest assured that any meat you purchase will be healthy and free of nasty additives.

Animals fed right and treated humanely are not just for marketing. They simply make better tasting, healthier meat. As a bonus, you can feel good that the cow or pig or chicken lived it’s best life before it landed on its plate.

By comparison, while Sprouts does offer things like organically-grown chicken and grass-fed beef, their overall standards, as with the rest of the store, are just lower and vaguer.

As a result of these standards, you can bet that Whole Foods has the best steaks.

Just check out this recent article to find out what, exactly, makes the best steak. There I talk about USDA grading and quality of meat and steaks at other grocery stores, too.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Final Thoughts

Sprouts Farmers Market is a fine store.

They have modeled their stores with the intent to bring farm-fresh produce to consumers at reasonable prices.

Sprouts may have some prices that are lower than Whole Foods, but it’s important to look at the overall big picture. In many instances, they are actually more expensive. And despite presenting themselves as an organic, natural food store, they sell many products with artificial ingredients.

If you’re looking for quality meat, Whole Foods Market is definitely the way to go. Unless you are buying directly from a rancher, you’ll be hard-pressed to find any grocery store that has better meat than Whole Foods.

That includes chicken, too. Check out this recent article about why Whole Foods has the best chicken.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Photos that require attribution:

Whole Foods Market by Tyler Cipriani and Sprout’s Farmers Market Ginger Snaps by Willis Lam is licensed under CC2.0

Does Sprouts Have Curbside Pickup? (Yes, here’s how it works)

Grocery shopping can be a hassle, especially if you have kids as my wife and I do. You can save yourself a lot of stress just ordering your groceries online. But if you’re a loyal shopper of Sprouts Farmers Market, you may have wondered does Sprouts have curbside pickup?

I decided to check it out at the location close to me and here’s what I learned:

Yes, Sprouts Farmers Market stores do have curbside pickup offered through Instacart. Instacart Pickup allows you to order your groceries online and set a time to pick them up curbside without ever having to leave your car.

If you’ve shopped at any grocery store that offers pickup and delivery services, you know how nice it is to have someone do the shopping for you.

Walmart and Food Lion offer curbside pickup, but what if you are a Sprouts shopper?

If you love Sprouts Farmers Market and aren’t really interested in changing grocery stores, you’ll be happy to learn that Sprouts does offer curbside pickup!

But how does it work? How do you order and pick up your groceries? Do they charge more for pickup?

I’ll answer those questions and more.

Just keep reading!

Ready to start ordering from Sprouts through Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

Does Sprouts do curbside pickup?


Whether it’s because they’re homebound, or just too busy to hit the grocery store, more and more people are turning to the convenience of grocery store delivery and pickup.

If you’re a Sprouts Farmers Market shopper, you may be happy to know that they offer curbside pickup and delivery through Instacart.

Instacart Pickup allows you to order your groceries online and set a time to pick them up.

Instacart shoppers will shop for the best products just like you would. They are careful to check expiration dates and deals. They will also be sure to pick items that don’t have any damage whatsoever.

If you want something even more convenient than curbside pickup, Instacart also has a delivery service.

Just remember that Instacart drivers are providing a service. They are doing the shopping for you, so you don’t have to. Just like any other service provider, you should tip your Instacart driver.

To read more about how much you should tip your Instacart driver, and more about Instacart in general, check out this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

How does pickup work at Sprouts?

Currently, Sprouts Farmers Market only offers pickup and delivery through Instacart (click to check out their website now and get started). This means that you must place your order by using Instacart’s website or app.

This is different from pickup services like Walmart provides. With Walmart, you place your order directly through their app.

Ordering groceries through Instacart is very easy. With Instacart Pickup, you can order your groceries online and set a time to pick them up at your convenience.

Instacart even has e-coupons you can apply to your order. Just place your order, select the time you want to pick up your groceries, and submit your payment.

You’ll receive a notification when it’s ready to be picked up, along with directions for where and how to pick up your groceries.

Instacart can be used with many other stores, too! It works with big chain stores as well as small mom and pop stores. It also works with pharmacies and wine shops, too.

To read more about Instacart and how pickup works with their service, check out this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

How much is Sprouts pick up?

Sprouts has partnered with Instacart to provide curbside pickup services.

This means that an Instacart shopper will do the shopping and bring your groceries out to your car.

The fee for bringing groceries out to your car, or even delivering them to your home, will vary depending on the city you live in. However, your first order over $35 will be free. Future pickup fees will depend on the order size and delivery time.

You may be charged “busy pricing” during high demand time. This allows Instacart to keep more delivery times open and available during the store’s busiest times of the day. Busy pricing will be clearly visible when you pick your pickup time.

In most cities, prices start at $1.99 per order. If you use the service frequently, it may be beneficial to become a premium member.

If you are a premium member, you don’t have to pay any additional fees, just the annual membership fee of $99. Remember, you can use the service at a wide range of stores, not just Sprouts. And they deliver, too.

So, you can have Instacart do your grocery shopping, pick up your prescriptions for you, and even deliver alcohol to you for $99 per year. Not only will this pay for itself in under 6 months, but it saves you a boatload of time.

Did you catch what I said about the alcohol? That’s right, they’ll deliver your booze in many states!

To see if you live in one of those states read this recent article. Instacart currently delivers alcohol in 14 states.

Recipients must show ID and cannot be visibly intoxicated at the time of delivery.

Just click the link to read more about alcohol delivery on my site.

How do you order groceries from Sprouts?

Currently, Sprouts Farmers Market doesn’t have an app or anything for you to order through. So, if you want to order groceries from Sprouts, you need to do it through Instacart.

If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one first.

Once you’ve created an account, you can shop at Sprouts from any device that has the app. In the app, you’ll be able to see in-store prices and sales. You’ll even be able to use e-coupons. Then you’ll select your pickup time and pay for your order.

You can pick up your groceries in as little as two hours through Instacart. Or you can schedule your pickup for several days out. Just pick a date and time that is most convenient for you.

When your order is ready, you’ll be notified via the app. You’ll be provided with instructions on how to pick up your groceries and where to go. Easy peasy.

Is grocery pickup from sprouts more expensive?

It may be.

Instacart charges more money for certain stores, but sometimes there isn’t any added markup fee at all.

In fact, there was a recent outrage because customers found out that Instacart charges an average markup of 15% at some stores.

However, according to Instacart’s pricing information, the retail partners set the prices of items on the Instacart marketplace. Sometimes those prices are different than in-store prices.

Additionally, a service fee may be added by the retailer to items to cover the cost of Instacart services.

You can view Sprout’s pricing policies on the Instacart app. Actually, you can view the pricing policies for any retailer on Instacart’s app.

Just go to the main page of the app or the website and select the retailer. Tap on the logo and scroll down to “Pricing.” From there, just scroll down to see the pricing information.

Unfortunately, you often won’t know the exact amount of markups until after you’ve already paid for your groceries.

To read more about Instacart’s pricing and advantages versus disadvantages, read this recent article. I even cover the specific stores guaranteed to not charge more for delivery or pickup than in-store prices.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Did I cover everything you want to know about Sprouts curbside pickup?

Sprouts offers both curbside pickup and delivery through their partnership with Instacart.

Placing an order from Sprouts Farmers Market for either pickup or delivery is as easy as placing an order through Instacart’s app or website.

Simply place your order, pick your pick up time, and pay right in the Instacart app.

You’ll be notified when your order is ready. You’ll be given instructions on where and how to pick it up. And when you arrive at the store, someone will help you load your groceries in your car.

What will you do will all of that free time now that you don’t have to spend it grocery shopping anymore?

Ready to start ordering from Sprouts through Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

Can You Fire an Employee for Talking Bad About the Company?

Anyone who has ever worked a job has the occasional bad day. And we’ve also all seen those toxic employees who just always seem to complain maliciously. But as a boss, can you fire an employee for talking bad about the company?

Yes, you can fire an employee for talking bad about the company if it happens at the workplace. In an At-Will state, employees can be fired at any time for any reason. But even in other states, creating a hostile work environment is definitely grounds for disciplinary action, up to, and including termination.

I’ve had the benefit of over two decades of experience in management positions at Whole Foods Market. Naturally, I’ve hired thousands of people and fired a few people too.

In this article, I’ll share highly effective strategies you could apply.

Let’s get started.

What do you do when an employee talks bad about you or the company?

First off, evaluate how serious their comments are. Grousing after a bad day or a day when your staff was shorthanded is normal. If it’s not serious, dismiss it. But, if it’s serious, it’s time to nip it in the bud.

After all, a toxic employee left unchecked can destroy the morale of the productive members of your team. The good people on your team are counting on you to keep the morale high in the workplace. If someone really negative, bitter, or angry is just allowed to continue that makes you look bad, not the toxic employee.

Then, take an informal meeting with the employee. Let them know what you heard (but not who you heard it from). Then listen to their own side of the story.

Encourage them to come directly to you with future issues or complaints. Make sure you have an open-door policy and don’t get super defensive when provided with critical feedback.

If the incident occurs again, have a formal meeting with them.

The formal meeting would ideally be:

  • Witnessed by another person in a leadership or HR role
  • Documented (in case you later need to escalate it or let them go)
  • Cut and dry (stick to facts)
  • Make sure they are clear than any future incidents will lead to disciplinary action that could ultimately result in them being fired

Some might realize they’ve messed up, big time, and may apologize, while others may act as if they’ve been misunderstood and that what you’ve heard is not actually what they said.

If an employee is remorseful, it’s okay to forgive and let them know that what they’ve done is unacceptable and should not repeat itself.

I know what you might be thinking: Can I fire someone if they persist in gossiping and bad-mouthing the company? That’s exactly what I addressed in-depth in a recent article of mine. I also gave practical suggestions on how you could get rid of workplace gossip. Just click that link to read it on my site.

But, first things first, what is a negative employee?

What is a toxic employee?

It’s quite simple: a toxic employee harms the business. They foster a hostile work environment that destroys a company’s morale, culture, and bottom line.

They come in different styles though:

  • There’s one who is hard to work with, who leaves misery in their wake
  • Some just like to stir up drama and gossip
  • Some are always late or sick, have a million excuses, and ultimate force their teammates to work harder to pick up their slack
  • Lastly, there’s the individual who sees nothing good in the company and loves telling anyone that’d listen.

Ultimately with this last kind, in most cases, their deep unhappiness is rooted in them and has nothing to do with the company, boss, or co-workers

Interestingly, some of them may be meeting certain performance goals, but the fact remains that they’re harming the business!

And as I mentioned above, when the bad eggs are left unchecked, the good eggs will either leave or sink to their level. Ultimately, they’ll come to blame you for not dealing with it much more so than the bad employee who started it.

Which states are At-Will states?

An at-will employee can be fired at any time, for any reason, with a few exceptions where it would violate federal employment law, such as discrimination. (source)

At the same time, at-will employees can quit at any time, without notice; so it works both ways.

There are a few exceptions though.

If you work in the public sector, are a union worker, or if you are refusing to violate public policy, you cannot be fired for no discernible reason.

A few states also have limitations in place, in addition to federal law.

If you are a citizen of one of the states listed below, you should check out those laws and regulations as it relates to employee’s rights. These states have various limitations and restrictions as it pertains to at-will employment.

Here are all of the at-will states:

Alabama Missouri
Alaska Nebraska
Arizona New York
California North Carolina
Delaware Pennsylvania
Florida Rhode Island
Georgia Texas
Indiana Utah
Louisiana Virginia
Massachusetts Wyoming

How do bad employees affect a business?

Bad employees are incredibly harmful to a business because they affect other employees negatively and may also be saying bad things about the company to outsiders. This is because what an employee says about a company carries a lot of weight since outsiders are likely to believe them.

And as you know, bad news spreads fast.

Imagine, for example, if a reporter were to interview such a bad employee and false information is offered and subsequently aired on T.V.

The negative tales could even find its way into the social media space, and that’s poison for any business because once it goes viral, it’d be extremely difficult to undo the harm. And as we all know, information reported on social media (or the internet at large) often gets accepted as fact, even if it’s totally off-base.

Even if these bad employees don’t talk to outsiders, they still do immense harm within the company. Their attitude gradually fosters a highly hostile work environment that affects morale and productivity negatively.

Ultimately, it will hurt employee loyalty, since some employees may start dreading being close to such toxic employees, so much so that it creates a stressful atmosphere for the former.

In fact, it may lead to reduced productivity. There are even cases where people leave the company because of such bad employees. This is understandable because when people have choices, they’d rather not work in an environment that makes them unhappy.

So, how do you approach such an employee?

What to say to an employee with a bad attitude

I always had a saying of “firm, fair, and consistent”.

In other words, be clear about your expectations, be clear about what happens if they fail to meet the expectations. Then hold everyone, yourself included, to the same standards. Don’t leave room for any ambiguity.

That just makes everything so much simpler.

Have face-to-face meetings with the employee, where you calmly discuss their negative attitude, and how it’s impacting or likely to impact other staff and the company. Stick to the facts, don’t get defensive, and stay calm; even if they don’t.

Ideally, there should be at least one other member of management or HR at this meeting.

This shows the employee in question the seriousness of the issue and the other person may be needed as a witness, someday. Also, make sure that while the door is closed (so the conversation stays private) that they are closest to the door (so they don’t feel or are later able to claim, they were trapped).

Remind them of the relevant sections of the company policy handbook. But, if there’s none, tell them about the few unwritten standards of behavior, expected of them in the workplace.

Ensure that your conversation with them is humane because how you treat one employee sends a signal to others. In an attempt to solve the problem, you don’t want to unwittingly foster an atmosphere of insecurity.

Tell them without mincing words you expect them to change, within a specific period, and that repeated offenses will lead to further disciplinary action that could ultimately result in them being terminated.

In effect, they are on probation. The fact is that most people won’t change unless they know there’d be negative consequences if they don’t.

But what happens if they refused to change?

How to fire a toxic employee

The first thing you’d need to do when you’re absolutely convinced a toxic employee must be fired is to ensure that your actions are in line with the company’s HR policies (if any) and the laws of the land.

The last thing you or the company needs is a protracted legal battle. This will also help when they inevitably file for unemployment.

If truth be told, firings are unpleasant for both parties.

In fact, they’re highly emotionally charged. Before or during the process, never allow the employee to annoy you to a point where you lose your temper or say or do anything they could use against you.

Keep the conversation brief, professional, and clear. 

After all, by the time you reach this point, and the decision has been made to fire them, the time for discussion and back and forth is done.

Of course, you also want to make sure that all their infractions have been adequately documented, and are reflected in their file. You can’t rely on only verbal exchanges. These can be easily misconstrued and distorted.

And, except in extremely rare cases, you don’t fire them after the first infraction.

You’d warn them, in writing, for the first two infractions. But, the third time it happens, it should also be the last time. Then, you’d be doing the right thing if you gave them the pink slip. A recent article of mine goes into details on the specifics.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Final Thoughts

Before you even consider firing an employee, it’s vital to note, that from a legal perspective, not all forms of toxicity are grounds for terminating the employment contract. And, you’d need to confirm if you’re operating in an ‘at-will’ state.

In such states, you can fire employees for any reason, as long as you’re not being discriminatory. So, it’s smart to consult an attorney if you’re not sure.

You’d want to fire them in a face-to-face meeting, even if they’ve done something terrible, they still deserve respect. The truth is that how you fire employees reflect on you and the company.

You’ll want to check out a recent article of mine where I shared details on why it’s not okay to fire employees on the phone, even though it’s legal. I also shared situations where that might be the only option. Just click that link to read it on my site.

Truth be told, dealing with toxic employees is extremely unpleasant for everyone.

But it has to be done. We’ve learned how to approach employees who are fond of saying negative things about a manager or the company.

We explored how to identify toxic employees and the immense harm they cause. We also looked at what to say to them, and lastly, what to do if they refused to change.

Which Grocery Store Has the Best Cakes? (by price, type & event)

Almost every person on the planet has to get a cake from the grocery store, at least a few times a year. But with so many options, I started to wonder which grocery store has the best cakes.

Which grocery store has the best cakes? For a child’s 1st birthday, the free smash cake option at Walmart is great. Costco is great for large gatherings & small budgets. Target has a lot of character-licensed cakes that are perfect for ages 5-10. But Whole Foods Market wins for overall quality, flavor & ingredients.

But that’s just a quick snapshot. Some people only care about flavor or texture. Others want a vegan cake, or a cake that’s non-GMO, or even all organic.

So “best” can be a little subjective.

Birthdays, Bah Mitzvahs, graduations, weddings. What do all of these celebrations have in common? It’s sweet, it’s moist, and it’s delicious.

It’s cake.

But sometimes, especially if you are in charge of planning the celebration, you might not have time to make a cake. You still want your celebration to be special, though and there are some grocery stores out there that make an excellent cake.

So which supermarket has the best cake? Just keep reading to find out!

Which supermarket does the best birthday cakes?

While we all know that homemade cake is the best, sometimes it’s just not feasible.

If you have a local bakery nearby, sometimes it can be even better than homemade. But if you don’t have a local bakery, supermarkets are all over the place. Chances are that your local supermarket sells cakes. Some even bake them in-house.

But again, “best” is subjective and it depends on who the cake is for.

As we’ll get more into below, a child’s first birthday is about the parents having fun; not the quality of the cake. For that, Walmart wins as they’ll give you a smash cake for free if you’re spending at least $15 bucks.

Target wins for kids ages 5-10 as they do a lot of licensed character cakes (who doesn’t want to hear a bunch of kids screaming “Let it Go”?). But not all locations have a bakery.

For a very large group (say a work party), it’s hard to beat Costco for the size and price. But if what you’re wanting is a really high-quality cake made from quality ingredients, it’s almost impossible to beat Whole Foods Market.

One thing you’ll see on some brands of store-bought cake is baking powder that contains aluminum.

Is aluminum baking powder bad? Why is it in some baking powder but not other brands? And are the rumors true linking aluminum consumption with things like Alzheimer’s?

Click here to read my complete breakdown of aluminum in baking powder, why I think it’s bad, and what the FDA has to say about it.

Are Walmart cakes good?

If you are planning a kids’ birthday party, Walmart is definitely the one-stop-shop.

You can purchase your presents, party supplies, decorations, and yes, even your cake at Walmart.

Talk about convenient!

But how good are their cakes? “Good” is really subjective, but for clarity, I’m assuming we can agree that moist cakes are better than dry cakes. Let’s also assume that frosting that hurts your teeth is too sweet.

Walmart does not have a terribly wide selection of cake flavors. The following are available at most stores:

  • White cake
  • Chocolate cake
  • Marble cake

Yellow cake is available at “select” stores. (source)

I found several reviews of Walmart cakes that have similar themes. Reviewers say they do not have a wide selection of cakes, and they sometimes don’t look like they are supposed to. (source)

Generally speaking, I find the frosting is too sweet, but the cake itself is moist and tasty. As an added bonus, Walmart’s cakes are very affordable. Just like pretty much everything else at Walmart.

So if you aren’t looking for anything fancy, and just want inexpensive cake, Walmart is probably a good option.

If this is your child’s first birthday, they’ll even give you a free “smash” cake with a cake purchase of at least $15.

A smash cake is a cake specifically for the birthday boy or girl to smash and play in without getting their kid germs all over the big cake.

It’s actually pretty fun to watch your new 1-year-old dig into their very own cake! (source)

Does Walmart bake their own cakes?

Sadly, no.

Walmart’s sheet cakes come in frozen from Pillsbury. Their round cakes come from Best Brands based in Minnesota. (source)

So if you like Pillsbury products, including their boxed cake mix, you’ll probably like Walmart’s cakes. They’ll also do their best to customize it how you want it, and they’ll write pretty much anything on it, as long as it’s not offensive.

But don’t get too fancy. Walmart is all about cheap products and low labor costs. You’re not likely going to find a talented cake decorator on staff.

What kind of cakes does Costco have?

Costco only has two flavors of cake – white or chocolate. The white cake comes with a cheesecake mousse filling. The chocolate cake is filled with chocolate mousse.

They have very few options when it comes to decorations. They have several floral selections, a few sports themes, and a few generic kids’ themes.

Of course, they’ll write on it for you, too.

The thing to keep in mind, though, is value. Costco cakes are huge and very affordable. At less than $20, their half sheet cake weighs a whopping nine and a half pounds and serves 48 people! (source)

Costco cakes are a great option if you are feeding a very large crowd and need a basic cake. And of course, Costco cakes are delicious!

While you are at Costco purchasing your cake, you may want to consider picking up a rotisserie chicken. They have big, delicious rotisserie chickens. At $4.99 each, you can buy several.

In fact, in this recent article, Costco won out for best rotisserie chickens, based on price and flavor.

There I talk about not only who has the best chicken, but the best brands of chicken to purchase, too. And if additives, hormones, and antibiotics are important for you too, I factor that in also in the rankings.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What does Costco cake taste like?

Most people love Costco cakes!

They have a light, delicate taste with a light mousse frosting and filling. Unlike a traditional frosting, the mousse is very light and not too sweet. Sometimes when the frosting is too rich, it can cause stomach problems. I also hate it when the frosting is too thick; I just end up scraping most of it off.

The light mousse frosting on Costco cakes won’t end in a stomach ache after one or even two pieces.

So Costco fares pretty well in that area too. But like Walmart, it doesn’t work for me personally due to the low ingredient standards.

Most of Costco’s cakes are from the company David’s.

Among other ingredients, you’ll likely find:

  • Bleached flour
  • Aluminum-based baking soda
  • Artificial flavor
  • Artificial color
  • Preservatives (Polysorbate 60 & Potassium Sorbate)
  • Dough conditioners

Call me crazy, but I just don’t think all of that stuff (and some of the other dozens of ingredients) are necessary for a good cake.

I’m not going to get into the health concerns over some of that, but you can check out the following published studies for further info:

Aluminum –

Artificial colors –

Are Target cakes good?

Target does a lot of things really well.

They seem to have this spell on people that somehow encourages people to spend more money than they intended.

Not all Targets sell cakes, but the ones that do are generally well-received. Target has a lot of options when it comes to flavor combinations. they can make customized cakes to fit in with your celebration theme, too.

Admittedly, when my 2 older daughters were younger, they loved walking by the Target bakery case and looking at all the cakes.

But this was all based on appearance. Target uses a lot of what I could call props (plastic decorations) to enhance the appearance of their cakes. They also do a lot of character licensing. By that I mean they pay companies like Disney to be able to use an official picture of Elsa on a cake, etc.

But they do also have more normal cakes too.

It’s not right for me since they have the same ingredient issues that Costco & Walmart. But like with those cakes, you are likely to find the texture and flavor good. And if you’re planning a themed kid’s birthday party, I would opt for Target over the others too.

Just make sure your Target has a bakery as not all Target stores do.

Does Whole Foods have good cakes?

Whole Foods has delicious cakes. And I say that with some bias since I worked there for more than 20 years.

The quality of Whole Foods cakes is superior to any other grocery store cake. They use real buttercream frosting. If you’ve ever noticed that buttercream frosting has a slightly greasy texture, it’s because it’s not real buttercream frosting. (source)

It’s “Bettercreme,” which is made of chemicals. Yuck. Bettercreme is a whipped, dairy-free topping that tastes like sweet cool whip.

Whole Foods has a policy not to sell items with artificial sweaters in any of the products sold in their aisles. This is a good thing.

Whole Foods has a ton of options when it comes to cakes. They even have vegan options!

All of their cakes can be decorated and customized to your liking. The best part is that they have a distinctly homemade taste and are relatively reasonably priced.

Every Whole Foods Market location has a “real” bakery with bakers and cake decorators on staff (or at least that was the case when I worked there which was up through 2013).

If your celebration includes grilling, you should definitely get steaks from Whole Foods, too.

Whole Foods won’t sell meat that has been treated with antibiotics, has added growth hormones, or animal by-products. They also ensure that animals are raised, transported, and slaughtered humanely.

To read more about where to purchase the best steaks, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Does Whole Foods make custom cakes?


Whole Foods prides itself on excellent customer service. Cakes are no exception.

As I mentioned, they have bakers and cake decorators on staff and can make just about anything. Want a red velvet cake (with no artificial color, but still red)? They got you covered!

A vegan chocolate cake? No problem! Maybe a stevia-sweetened vanilla cake? Also no problem.

To order your cake, just call your store to order or visit the store. Many stores offer online ordering as well.

They also offer catering. If you don’t want just one cake, but maybe you want a tray of sweet things, cheese, or other party platters, they’ll bring it to you!

If you aren’t sure what you want, many Whole Foods have an in-store concierge to answer all of your event-related questions.


Final thoughts

There really are some amazing options for cakes or celebrations in a range of sizes.

Your son’s first birthday may be great with a cake from Walmart and a matching smash cake. If you want something a little more grown-up, or a little more sophisticated, Whole Foods is your best bet.

And if you like to avoid artificial ingredients and preservatives as I do, Whole Foods (and other similar stores) is most certainly the way to go.

Two popular East coast grocers are Wegmans and ShopRite. But which is better?

Click here to read my complete comparison between ShopRite and Wegmans. I get into prices, quality, freshness, and yes; which one has the best cakes.

Do Supermarkets Have Backup Generators? (Yes, but not for . . . )

When bad storms come through, the power will inevitably go out. So what do supermarkets do when the power goes out? Do supermarkets have backup generators?

Most larger supermarkets and grocery stores have backup generators to operate basic systems, cash registers & emergency lighting. They are usually not capable of running large refrigeration equipment. In most cases, the low risk of long-term power outages outweighs the high cost of a large generator.

But it’s not quite that simple. Grocery stores use a LOT of power, and a generator large enough to power the whole store indefinitely would be HUGE!

So we’ll dive deeper into that, as well as some natural follow up questions like:

Do grocery stores have to close when the power goes out? How much power do grocery stores even use? I answer all of those questions and more in this article. Just keep reading to find out!

What do grocery stores do when the power goes out?

A lot of people think that grocery stores have backup power. Surprisingly, most stores don’t have backup power or generators.

Selling groceries is a low-profit margin business, and backup generators are very costly to purchase initially and to maintain.

Luckily, power outages are relatively rare. And when they do happen, it is for short amounts of time. If the time is short enough, they don’t have to worry about waste.

However, if the power is out for longer periods of time, like 30 minutes or more, most stores have procedures in place. These procedures not only deal with product waste but customer safety as well.

If the store has a generator, it’s likely to provide just enough power to ensure the emergency lighting, cash registers, and computer servers are working. Cash registers also often have battery backups at each station too.

The store employees will most likely start ushering the customers out of the store and use caution tape to ensure that the freezer and cooler doors aren’t opened. Open refrigerated cases typically have pull-down vinyl curtains that can be closed to help keep the cold inside the case.

Prepared hot food items will be thrown out once they can no longer be kept at a safe temperature.

Grocery stores hate throwing away merchandise. They have very low-profit margins. However, to keep customers safe, they will throw it out. Nobody wants sick customers just because the power went out.

But again, generators are expensive and grocery stores make low profits.

Just how little do grocery stores typically make in profit? Head over to this recent article to find out. Many only make 1-2% net profit which makes them one of the least profitable businesses. 

But don’t feel sorry for Target or Walmart. In this article, I also uncover some of the tricks used to maximize their profits and get you to buy more.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Can a business stay open without power?

They can, but not for very long.

If you’ve ever been in a grocery store with the lights turned off, you know it gets very very dark.

It can be very dangerous when it’s that dark. Especially for elderly people. People can’t see each other and can’t see merchandise that may be in front of them. If someone runs into an elderly person, they could fall, potentially injuring themselves and the person they run into.

Even with a backup generator powering the cash registers and some lighting, shoppers are encouraged to leave and come back when the power comes back on. Oftentimes, the registers are kept open to get the customers out that were in mid-order at the time of the power outage.

But without power, there’s likely no internet, making it risky to take credit cards as there might be no way to know for sure the card is good.

Again, even backup generators don’t provide power to cold and hot food. This means that if the power is out for too long, that merchandise will have to be thrown out.

And, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the theft potential.

When the power goes out, people with buggies full of food can just walk out the door and load up their car. There’s always a certain amount of surprise and chaos when the power goes out. When that happens, initially, store employees aren’t paying attention to customers.

Instead, they are focusing on safety procedures and getting the power back on. Eventually, stores will post someone at the exit to prevent theft, but if there is an opportunity, there is a chance someone will take it.

So, while stores can stay open briefly, it’s in their best interest to close at least temporarily. Not just to prevent product loss, but for the safety of their customers.

How long does it take for food to spoil when the power goes out?

Grocery stores will always follow USDA guidelines when it comes to food.

Hot items get thrown out within thirty minutes.

Cold food can be kept cold for several hours if the store has bags of ice on hand. They will either have them in frozen storage in the stockroom as well as in ice displays on the sales floor.

Stores always have refrigerated and frozen walk-in coolers and freezers in the back.

As needed, items can be moved there (quickly as to minimize the number of times doors get opened) to extend their lifespan. Loading products into shopping carts make this process go quickly.

Employees will ice down the cold items like meat, temperature-sensitive produce, fine cheese, and packaged lunch meats. Essentially anything that is not behind closed cooler doors. Just like ice, closed doors can keep cold items cold for several hours.

Cold food can be kept like this for about two to four hours, however, frozen items may have to be thrown out after this point. 

Large chain stores may have nearby warehouses with refrigerated and frozen trucks. Those trucks are driven to the store and then the employees move the cold items onto them.  This helps minimize how much has to be thrown away.

But it’s also a lot of work.

Does a generator produce enough power to run a grocery store?

Generators can produce enough energy to run a very small grocery store.

However, it may take multiple generators, depending on the square footage and exactly what the grocery store wants to power. In most cases, they do NOT produce enough power to run the complex refrigeration systems of a full-sized grocery store.

Typically, backup generators provide just enough power to run emergency lights, cash registers, and computer servers. But they can also send power to small freezers and refrigerators.

If you’re interested in geeking out on all of the numbers, check out this GENERATOR SIZING GUIDE by Generac. Generac shows us how much square footage their generators cover and how much power gets produced.

Power outages are pretty infrequent. Infrequent enough that the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and testing generators outweigh the benefit of having it.

If the power goes out for long periods of time, as I mentioned, grocery stores will have refrigerated trucks they can load the cold stuff into.

If all else fails, grocers can take count of the groceries they have to throw out and file a claim with their insurance. They can also write it off as a loss at tax time.

Having a plan in place to deal with power outages is one part of running a successful grocery store.

To read more about how grocery stores are run successfully, read this recent article. I share with you all the best tips I learned in running several of Whole Foods Market’s top stores over a long period of time.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

How much power does a grocery store use?

On average, supermarkets in the United States use 50 kilowatt-hours of electricity per square foot, each and every year. That equates to more than $200,000 per year in energy costs for a 50,000 square foot store! (source)

But grocery store owners can do quite a bit to save on energy usage and costs. And a lot is going on behind the scenes that you may not notice.

Grocery store owners and managers may have meetings and energy audits.

These meetings may result in procedures to conserve energy. Things like motion sensors to turn lights on and off, automatic thermostats, and natural lighting can all save money and reduce energy usage.

Having skylights and natural daylight sources, they can reduce lighting during daylight hours. They can adjust thermostats in the evenings and during seasonal changes.

They can also make sure that electrical components are properly maintained. And replacing old, less energy-efficient equipment is also a great way to improve energy costs.

Have you ever noticed the lights are off in the refrigerated section, but they turn on when you get in front of the door? That’s because the store has implemented at least some energy-saving methods.

Because grocery stores have very low profit-margins, saving money on electricity is an important part of keeping costs low.

Final Thoughts

Most grocery stores do not have backup generators. They are very costly, both in initial cost and maintenance.

Grocery stores use a lot of power. One generator would not be enough to power a whole grocery store. But it would be enough to power essentials like cash registers and computer servers.

While grocery stores can stay open for short periods of time, it’s probably in everyone’s best interest if they close for long power outages.

What’s the Difference Between a Grocery Store & a Supermarket?

People often use the term grocery store and supermarket interchangeably. But there are some things in one that aren’t in the other. So what’s the difference between a grocery store and a supermarket?

A grocery store is more specialized and not as large as a supermarket. Supermarkets have counters with butchers, hand-cut artisan cheeses, and deli meats & fresh seafood, but grocery stores are usually more focused on a specific category of food or a targeted demographic, with a more limited variety.

The terms supermarket & grocery store are used interchangeably.

But there’s much more to know about the differences in these two terms. There are even more terms to know – like superstore. What is a “superstore,” you ask?

Just keep reading to find out!

What is a supermarket example?

A supermarket is a type of grocery store that is typically larger in scale and carries a wider selection of items. They are almost the same thing, but supermarkets are usually very large.

Even so, most people say, “I’m going to run up to the grocery store to pick up a few things.” Even if they’re going to a supermarket. Or they may even just say they are going to the store or simply the store’s name, like Kroger or Fred Meyer’s.

Americans do most of our shopping in supermarkets, even though we typically call them grocery stores in everyday speech.

Supermarkets tend to have a wide selection.

Some of the best-known examples of supermarkets include:

  • Safeway
  • Kroger
  • Publix

You can spend days wandering around the store trying to decide what kind of jam or jelly to purchase. Even with so many choices, you may not be able to find everything you need. Thus, you may need to go to a smaller, more specialized grocery store that caters to specific cuisines or offer special ingredients.

For example, if you want to make an authentic Mexican dish, and you need fresh chorizo, you are more likely to find it at a small Mexican grocery store.

Supermarkets also have a lot more departments than a grocery store

They may have:

  • An in-house butcher
  • Floral department
  • Even a pharmacy

There are a lot of different departments and sections to both grocery stores and supermarkets.

In this recent article, I break them all down with a little insider insight to each one and why they get divided up that way.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Whole Food Market is a supermarket, but it has that grocery store feel. That’s not by accident, either.

Whole Foods originally opened as a way to bridge the gap between tiny, sometimes dirty and poorly-run health food stores and mainstream supermarkets.

At the time, you couldn’t find healthy, organic food in supermarkets.

While you could find organic food at grocery stores, they were often one of many stops. These grocery stores could also be expensive and sometimes unpleasant to shop in.

These are just a few of the reasons why Whole Foods is such a popular supermarket.

To read more about the success of Whole Foods, and the reason they are so popular, just read this recent article. Since I worked there for more than 2 decades, having started at the very 1st location, I know a thing or 2 about it!

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What is a grocery store considered?

A grocery store is typically a smaller and more specialized store.

Continuing my Mexican grocery store example, you’ll be able to find chorizo, but they won’t have a pharmacy. They don’t sell the more general retail items like towels or bed sheets.

They only sell groceries. And included with that may be a meat department, produce department, a deli, or a bakery.

A grocery store would be more of the smaller “mom and pop” type stores. They have fewer employees and not near as many departments.

They’re also not typically chain stores, or if they are a chain, it’s a small chain with just a handful of stores as opposed to a nationwide chain.

Both a grocery store and a supermarket can be called a grocery store, but only one can be called a supermarket.

Grocery stores store sell most types of food and daily needed items. They’re often privately owned and operated. Whereas a supermarket that is part of a chain is usually very large and may offer many choices and brands.

The smaller grocery stores may offer only one or two brands of toilet paper and beans.

There’s usually a price difference between chain stores and private stores, too.  Larger chain stores may sell cheaper items than small stores.

Supermarkets and grocery stores make their money by selling high volumes of inventory. Grocery stores simply don’t get the foot traffic that supermarkets do, so they have to sell their merchandise at a higher markup to be profitable.

You may find that grocery stores don’t have as many sales as supermarkets, either.

Grocery stores often have sales to get rid of excess inventory or items that are out-of-season. Because grocery stores just don’t have as much inventory as their “super” counterparts, their sales may be few and far between.

To read more about why grocery stores have sales, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Is Walmart a supermarket?

It would seem logical to call Walmart a supermarket, but alas, Walmart is actually a superstore.

I know – another confusing term to know.

A superstore is a retail store, like a grocery store or bookstore, with a wide variety of product lines and a very large amount of space.

So what’s the difference between a supermarket and a superstore?

A supermarket sells mainly food. They will have fresh food departments, like produce, meat, deli, bakery, and even a floral department.

They may sell non-food items like health and beauty care, pet food, and household cleaning supplies. Their primary focus, however, is food.

A superstore will have a grocery section that sells these items, but they will also have other departments. These departments may include:

  • Clothing
  • Home decor
  • Gardening
  • Automotive department

In a superstore, food is not the focus. It’s just another department within the store.

If a superstore isn’t really a grocery store or supermarket, you may be surprised to learn that just like grocery stores and supermarkets, you are unlikely to find liquor for purchase.

To read about why grocery stores don’t sell liquor, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What is the purpose of a supermarket?

A supermarket is meant to be a one-stop-shop to get everything you use daily.

Supermarkets offer shoppers convenience, a wide variety of choices, low prices, and uniformity in the quality of products.

By not having to make several stops on shopping day, you can save yourself an immense amount of time. No separate trip to the farmer’s market or meat market. You don’t even have to make a separate trip to the pharmacy.

Each supermarket has its own set of weaknesses and strengths, but for the most part, they all have a wide variety of groceries to choose from.

From organic foods to ethnic foods to specialty items, you are bound to find most everything you need at a supermarket.

Most shoppers have to shop within a budget. This is pretty easy to do as supermarkets often have lower prices and run frequent sales.

Finally, if you shop at a supermarket, you can rest assured that just about every store within that chain will carry the same items, and likely have similar layouts. So if you go out of town, and need to do some shopping, chances are that it will feel very much like shopping at home.

But what if the layout is different than your hometown supermarket? Why would they change it around?

To find out, just read this recent article on my site. You may be surprised to find out why grocery stores like to change it up sometimes!

Does Target count as a supermarket?

No. Again, they sell much more than groceries.

Like Walmart, Target sells clothing, electronic devices, and clothing. Most Targets do have a grocery department in the store, but many don’t sell fresh produce, have a meat department, or even have a refrigerated department.

Walmart Neighborhood Market is considered a grocery store, though.

If you are shopping at a supermarket, you are probably like me and like to make as few stops as possible. You can avoid that trip to the meat market by purchasing your chicken at the supermarket.

But what grocery stores and supermarkets have the best chicken selection?

Luckily I wrote this recent article that answers this very question!

Just click the link to read about what grocery stores have the best chicken on my site.

So while all supermarkets can be called grocery stores, superstores (or hyper-stores) cannot be called supermarkets or grocery stores.

They do sell groceries, but they also sell many other things like jewelry and gym equipment.

Superstores and hypermarkets really are the one-stop-shop.

What is the difference between a grocery store and a convenience store?

The biggest difference between a grocery store and a convenience store is the type of food they sell.

Grocery stores have a wide variety and sell fresh produce, vegetables, meat, and staple items. They may also sell some household items.

Grocery stores are bigger and managers want you to hang out for a while. They are typically cleaner and located near residential areas for convenience.

Convenience stores, on the other hand, have limited variety. They may sell some everyday items like food and even some household items.

You won’t find any fresh produce. There won’t be a bakery or a floral department or a fishmonger.

Typically, they sell snacks, soft drinks, toilet paper, newspapers, and magazines. Convenience stores may be inside of gas stations or stand-alone stores. Convenience store prices will typically be higher than in a grocery store.

The idea of a convenience store is that it is to supplement any items that you may not have gotten at the grocery store. Or maybe you are in between grocery trips and you just need one or two items quickly.

Convenience stores are open for long hours and often have only one or two people working at a time. They are usually located near busy streets and highways that are easily accessible for…you guessed it…convenience.

They are also known as corner stores, corner shops, and bodegas in Spanish speaking areas.

What is a hypermarket (and how are they different?)

Hypermarkets are another name for superstore. They are a combination of supermarket and department store.

At a hypermarket, you can buy food, hardware, clothes, electronic devices, and even appliances.

Target is an example of a hypermarket because it offers a variety of food products, clothing, electronics, books, toys, and furniture. Costco is another example of a hypermarket.

The biggest difference between a supermarket and a hypermarket, or superstore, is that hypermarkets are supermarkets that also sell big-ticket items like:

  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Televisions.

Supermarkets are large, hypermarkets are massive. In fact, hypermarkets are typically three to four times bigger than grocery stores.

Just like Walmart and Target, Costco sells electronics, clothes, groceries, and appliances. They have a bakery, deli, and sell fresh produce. But they do it on a much larger scale.

They even sell cars!

Hypermarkets, like supermarkets, are typically part of a large chain

As a result, profit margins and prices are lower.

Hypermarkets will generally have sparse decor. For example, if you walk into a Costco or Sam’s Club, you’ll notice that it’s pretty utilitarian when it comes to aesthetics.

Costco sells a lot of stuff at a steep discount. They can do this by saving money throughout the store. They don’t have permanent aisles, making it easy to rearrange them on a seasonal basis or as they get different inventory in.

Costco wants you to buy in bulk whereas supermarkets like Whole Foods, want you to linger.

In fact, they encourage lingering. The longer you stay in the store, the more likely you are to purchase more. Both supermarkets and hypermarkets save money in different ways, but they both understand how important it is that their consumers purchase in volume.

You’ll also notice that Costco doesn’t have a whole lot of front-end employees. They have cashiers, but nobody bags your groceries. In fact, they don’t have bags at all. This is another one of the ways they can keep prices down.

What’s interesting, is that even though their prices are low, and their decor is utilitarian, they still want you to hang out. They often have small restaurants and coffee shops inside with seating areas.

This goes back to the idea that the longer you are in the store, the more likely you are to spend money.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we talked about all of the differences between grocery stores and supermarkets.

We gave examples of the two and even talked about some of the conveniences of shopping at supermarkets versus just shopping at grocery stores.

And we talked about superstores, hypermarkets, and convenience stores. Then we talked about how all of them are different in different ways.

What is your favorite place to buy groceries?


How Do Grocery Stores Make Money? (Insider Tips)

If you’ve ever considered owning a grocery store, work in one, or are just curious, you may have wondered how do grocery stores make money?

As a general rule, grocery stores operate on a profit margin as low as 1-3%. So they make money by selling large quantities. They also try to minimize shrink (theft and spoiled products) and keep labor costs as low as possible, often by hiring more part-time employees (who get fewer benefits).

But there’s a lot more to grocery store profitability than just that. So let’s (as they say in The Princess and the Frog), dig a little deeper.

Grocery store profit margins are very low. Even so, owning a grocery store can be very lucrative.

But how exactly do grocery stores work? How much do grocery stores pay for inventory and what is the profit margin? What is the most profitable item in grocery stores?

I’ll answer all of these questions and more. Just keep reading!

How do grocery stores work?

Grocery stores, when staffed with the right people, run like a well-oiled machine.

Grocery stores provide a service. They don’t typically sell a product of their own unless they have a large prepared foods section.

Rather, they buy existing products from distributors for stocking their local stores to sell to customers. 

Once those products make it to the local store, it’s up to that store’s manager and team members to provide the services and resources that attract new customers and retain loyal ones.

Grocery store managers are responsible for all aspects of running the store. From supervising employees to maximizing profits.

They are the conductor of the orchestra if you will. If one part of the store falls apart, the rest of the store suffers.

In turn, if the store doesn’t have a good leader, the whole thing falls apart. So the manager is responsible for not only keeping the team together but the store running smoothly.

Grocery store managers are responsible for hiring and training employees.

They look for employees that can be trained to be the best in their department. And they also communicate with their employees to discuss potential stocking issues, answer questions, and address any staffing needs.

Lastly, they also need to think about what makes a good grocery store.

Good grocery stores have decent parking, even when the store is busy. They also have nice, wide aisles and competitive prices. They have properly staffed checkouts and an atmosphere that makes you want to hang out and shop.

There is so much that goes into running a good grocery store, and how they work.

It really can’t be properly addressed in one section of an article. So I wrote an entire article on how to run a successful grocery store!

To read all about what it takes to run a successful grocery store, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Are grocery stores profitable?

Most large grocery chains earn between 1-2% net profit whereas specialty grocers including Whole Foods Market typically earn between 5-12% net profit.

So they can be profitable. But margins are low and there is a lot of competition.

You probably think about Publix, Whole Foods, or even Walmart. Typically, when you think of a chain of any kind of store, you probably think they make a lot of money.

And those conventional chain stores are pretty profitable. But not in terms of a profit margin; just gross dollars.

In fact, conventional grocery stores only make 1-2% bottom-line profit. Compared to other kinds of businesses, that’s pretty low.

But as I mentioned stores like Whole Foods Market may actually generate a 5-12% profit.

However, for small independent grocery stores, 1 to 4% is more typical. There are also a lot of factors that affect independent owners more, such as marketing, product costs and shrink.

Because smaller markets sell so much inventory, typically don’t give out free samples, or usually have an in-house butcher, 1-2% profit margin is pretty good.

Think about it this way.

If the average Safeway does $1,000,000 in sales per week, that means $20,000 per week profit, max. That adds up to a little over a million dollars profit per year for that one store.

Smaller mom and pop stores might be closer to 10-12% profit margins, but they likely won’t do as much in sales, which means much lower profit.

There is a lot more to talk about when it comes to the profitability of grocery stores.

To read more, check out this recent article. In there, I go a lot deeper into how to maximize profits for a grocery store, and the one thing that will almost assuredly tank a store’s profit.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What is the most profitable item in a grocery store?

Here are the Top 10 most marked-up items in a grocery store:

  1. Prepared Foods
  2. Vitamins
  3. Bodycare
  4. Fresh coffee
  5. Reuseable shopping bags
  6. Cheese
  7. Deli meat
  8. Produce
  9. Bulk Foods
  10. Frozen Foods

But trying to figure out how much to price a product and how much profit you can make when you sell it is tricky.

And this is kind of a tricky question.

The items with the highest retail markup will bring in the most profit per item. But, if you only sell one or two of those items, it won’t be very profitable.

On the other hand, markup can be lower if you are selling large quantities of items, resulting in a higher profit dollars.

The way grocery stores typically make a profit is by selling volume. So selling more of a lower priced item at higher volume will bring in more profit than selling one or two items with a higher markup.

I know the difference between markup and margin is confusing.

To read all about the differences in profit margin and markup, and how to calculate them to make the most profit, just read this recent article.

Click the link on my site to read the article, and hopefully take away some of the confusion.

For this example, I’m going to talk about the single most profitable item with the highest markup.

Bottled water and alcohol.

Alcohol typically has a 25% markup where other items are only 5-10%. (source)

Bottled water is marked up significantly, too. It takes about $1.50 to make 1,000 gallons of water. A single bottle of water may cost anywhere from $1 to $3, making it very a very profitable grocery item. (source)

But most of the profit made by grocery stores comes from volume. Canned goods, produce, lunch meat – the things that people purchase regularly are what’s going to keep money coming in.

How much do grocery stores pay for food?

Grocery stores often operate on a gross margin between 25-35%, meaning that the cost of their goods is often between 65-75% of the price they are charging.

But without looking at their books, there is really no way to know exactly how much grocery stores pay for their inventory. 

There’s also a big difference between a Dollar General and Whole Foods Market.

Because grocery store mark up is pretty low, you can rest assured that grocery stores aren’t paying much less than their customers. They also take hits that customers don’t always see.

For example, if a grocery store pays 60 cents for a can of beans and sells it to you for $1.00, they’ve made a gross profit of 40 cents. 40 cents for every can of beans sold, sounds great, right?

Well..that’s not exactly how it works.

Gross profit is the amount of profit a store makes before any expenses have been deducted.

For example, if our can of beans was dented and couldn’t be sold, you’d have to eat that cost, unless the vendor gave you credit for it. Most distributors give stores a flat percentage to cover damage losses rather than allowing them to return every item for full credit.

But grocery store profits are much more complicated than our simple bean example.

To read more about how profitable grocery stores are, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What is the profit margin on grocery stores?

Profit margins, a commonly used term that has to do with describing the profitability of a business. A profit margin represents what percentage of sales a business has turned into profit.

In other words, and to put it even more simply, a profit margin shows how many cents of profit a business makes for each dollar of sales. And that number is typically represented as a percentage.

Conventional grocery stores have a profit margin of about 2.2%, making them one of the least profitable industries in the US.

But they make their money by selling in large volume and multiple locations. However, stores in natural, organic, and gourmet niches tend to see bottom-line profit margins closer to 5-10%.

But there’s a lot more to know about grocery store pricing and profit margins.

To read more about how grocery store profit margins and how they maximize profits in a competitive industry, read this recent article. I even get into some of the display techniques designed to subliminally get you to buy more.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Final Thoughts

Grocery stores may not have very large profit margins, but they do a pretty good job of making money.

Let’s face it – people have to eat. As such, there will always be a market for supermarkets. It takes a lot to run a grocery store. From having the right people, to how the store is laid out, and even the general atmosphere.

All of these things are taken into consideration when determining how grocery stores make money.

Are you planning on owning your own grocery store?


What Skills Do You Need to Work in a Grocery Store?

Looking for a job, particularly your first job can be nerve-wracking. If you’re still in high school or newly graduated, a grocery store job can be an excellent first job. But what skills do you need to work in a grocery store?

The grocery business requires the ability to work well with a variety of people; both customers & fellow employees. It’s also a physically demanding job. Due to shopping patterns & holiday business,  it also helps to be flexible with your schedule as nights, weekends & holidays are almost always required.

Working in grocery stores provides a great experience in a wide array of tasks.

From customer service to dealing with difficult customers – these are the kinds of tasks that can carry over into just about any other profession.

But what does it take to work at a grocery store? What kind of skills do you need? What if you don’t have any experience? I’ve got answers to all of your questions about the necessary skills required to work in a grocery store.

What does a checker do at a grocery store?

Grocery store cashiers, also called checkers, are the very last person customers come into contact with at the store.

As a result, they will often receive the brunt of customer complaints. If a customer had a difficult time finding their favorite coffee, or if the store was out of a sale item, the checker will hear about it.

Checkers need to be calm and collected when this happens. By being able to solve problems quickly and with a good attitude is a vital part of being a checker.

But simply ringing up groceries and problem-solving aren’t the only things checkers do.

Cashiers need to be able to ring up items quickly, but slow enough for people watching prices to catch errors. They need to have basic math skills, so they can distribute proper change.

Checkers are also responsible for cleaning their surrounding area and oftentimes must put away items left behind by customers.

They also need to be able to lift heavy items. Typically not more than fifty pounds. Think about items like large bags of dog food, ice, and cat litter.

Checkers need to show up to work on time and be available to work flexible schedules. Their schedules are likely to change from week to week, so communication with supervisors is a must.

And as with almost every position in a grocery store, it pays to be flexible on when you work.

What skills do you need to be a stocker?

Grocery store stockers are responsible for making sure the inventory makes it to the shelf for customers to purchase.

Stockers often work overnight; at least in large high-volume stores. This is because stocking grocery stores can get kind of hectic. If you’ve ever shopped at a grocery store that has full pallets of merchandise in the middle of the aisle, you know what a pain it can be.

But even the stores without overnight stockers likely have these employees come in early like 4 or 5 am.

So, just like checkers, you’ll need to be flexible with your availability. That’s not to say that stockers don’t work during the day. They do, they just tend to do the majority of their work during off-peak hours.

Stockers need good communication skills.

Oftentimes, when customers are wandering down aisles looking for something, they’ll stop the first associate they see. If that happens to be the stocker, they’ll need to be able to communicate professionally with that customer.

Much of the time that’s just showing someone where something is located. But it might also involve them wanting to place a special order, request the store carry an item it doesn’t usually carry, or suggestions on which products to buy.

Stockers need to use pallet jacks and keep their area orderly.

Have you ever noticed how nice freshly stocked shelves look? Thank the stocker for that. Higher-volume stores (and higher-end stores like Whole Foods) also typically have stockers go through the store in the early afternoon and tidy up the shelves and displays for the evening rush.

Stockers keep not only the shelves and end caps neat, but they also have to keep the shelves in the back of the store neat.

Stockers are responsible for helping unload the trucks when they arrive at the store. They check the inventory and rotate it as necessary. And they also assist in ordering inventory when merchandise is running low.

But stockers also need to be able to lift heavy items.

While a checker may have to lift a single bag of dog food once or twice during their shift, stockers will have to move multiple bags of dog food, and cases of products several times during their shift.

Occasionally, they may need to sweep and mop up spills in the grocery store aisles.

What do you do when you work at a grocery store?

When you work at a grocery store, you are part of a team. Your primary job will depend on your position. But you may have to perform jobs that are outside of your “job description.”

  • For example, a cashier may have to clean the bathrooms or a stocker may have to bag groceries.
  • A produce worker may need to help out in the stock room and management may need to help run the registers.

Grocery stores that are filled with dedicated employees that help each other out, run like a well-oiled machine.

Some stores, like a Safeway or a Kroger, have employees work in different departments with regularity. Other companies like Whole Foods Market tend to keep each department separate. So if you work in 1 department, you aren’t likely to be asked to work in the other departments unless it’s an emergency.

Not sure what all the different positions are in a grocery store?

I break it all down for you in this recent article. I get into every position and what the job description is and requirements.

After all, if you’re going to excel at it and make the most money possible, it needs to be aligned with your skillset.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Do I need previous experience to work at a grocery store?

Nope, You don’t need any previous experience to work at a grocery store.

When I first walked into a Whole Foods Market (more decades ago than I care to mention), I had never, ever, worked in a grocery store.

I filled out an application and they called me later that day and asked if I could work that evening for $4.25/hr. And just like that, my grocery career started!

While you don’t need any previous experience, there are some skills that you should have.

First and foremost, you should have a positive attitude. It can be really stressful working at grocery stores, especially the days leading up to a major holiday. So you must be able to keep your cool under pressure.

Here are some other skills that you need to work at a grocery store:

  1. Attention to detail

Grocery stores operate with a lot of people doing a lot of little things.

Some employees place product orders. Others stock the shelves. Some answer phones or ring people up. Yet others retrieve shopping carts from the parking lot to make sure new customers have a cart when they arrive.

Depending on your position within the store, you may be counting money, moving around inventory, or finding damaged goods. A keen eye for detail is imperative in these situations.

  1. Follow-through

People are counting on you. Your boss is counting on you. Customers are counting on you. Your fellow employees are counting on you too. So do what you say you’re going to do. Be consistent.

These are skills that not everyone chooses to cultivate and they will serve you in any career or job you choose to get. Now, or later in life.

  1. Communication skills

Clearly communicating with customers, coworkers, and supervisors will get you far. Dave Ramsey was fond of saying (not sure if this is his quote or if he was quoting someone else) “to be clear is to be kind”.

So don’t be blunt, but do be straightforward. Communicate your needs and respond to others when they have a request for you.

You’ll be working with dozens, if not hundreds of others, and encountering tens of thousands of customers every month. A lot of people from a lot of different walks of life. Knowing how to get along with almost everyone is a skill not everyone has.

It may lead to your future promotion or simply kudos from customers.

  1. Be open-minded and flexible

Having a growth mindset will lead to your ultimate happiness while working at a store.

Be a team player and help out in different departments. Pick up those shifts when coworkers call in sick if you are available. Think about how your actions affect others. Put yourself in the shoes of that angry customer or that sad fellow employee.

Doing these things will help you stand out and get the eye of your supervisors.

  1. Be a self-starter

Don’t just work the fastest. Ask questions. Have a good attitude and do what is necessary to help the team. But my saying was it’s better to ask for forgiveness than it is permission.

In other words, don’t just stand around and wait to be told what to do. Don’t go rogue, but if you see something that needs to be done, and you know how to do it, DO IT!

Do you want more tips for being a successful grocery store worker?

Read this recent article for all of my best tips for working in a grocery store. Over the years, I grew from entry-level stocker to store manager of some of the best stores in Whole Foods Market history.

I’ve hired thousands and mentored people who later surpassed me into large regional leadership roles. So I know a thing or two about what being successful means.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

  1. Be Dependable

As with follow-through, people are counting on you. When you forget your schedule, call out sick when you aren’t really sick, or show up an hour late that puts a huge burden on other people.

Which other people? Your friends and co-workers at the store.

Be someone they, and your boss, can truly count on and you’ll go far!

How much do grocery stores pay?

If you would’ve asked me how much grocery stores pay 20 years ago, I would’ve said “peanuts.” Grocery stores aren’t known for paying a lot of money.

The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. (source)

Fortunately, many stores are going well above and beyond as it relates to minimum wage. In fact, when I was running the original Whole Foods store in San Francisco 18 years ago, our starting wage was $10.00 and many cashiers who had been there a little while were closer to $20/hr.

Here are the best-known stores from highest to lowest paying:

      • Costco & Whole Foods Market comes in at the highest at $15.00.
      • Target starts off at $13.00 per hour and will increase its wages to $15.00 per hour by the end of 2020.
      • Trader Joes starts off at $12.03 per hour
      • Walmart’s minimum is $11.00 per hour.
      • Safeway starts at a disappointing $9.76 per hour
      • Kroger starts at a disappointing $8.15 per hour

(source & source & source & source & source & source)

But different positions may have a different starting pay rate. You may be surprised to see how many people it takes to keep a grocery store up and running!

For example, a cashier may start off at $13.00 per hour at Target, but someone who stocks shelves may start off at a different rate; especially if they are working what’s called the “graveyard shift”.

That’s when they stock shelves overnight, often arriving for work at 10 pm.

But the pay isn’t the only thing you should be thinking about. You should take a look at the entire benefits package. You may be surprised to know that lots of grocery stores offer great benefits to part-time employees. Even health insurance and 401K matching!

To read more about what grocery stores pay the most and which ones offer benefits, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Final Thoughts

Working in a grocery store can be very rewarding. There are a variety of positions available, so you’re sure to find work that you enjoy doing.

Fortunately, most grocery stores don’t require any experience to get your foot in the door. They will provide on-the-job training. They will also give you the flexibility you need to participate in extracurricular activities.

If you find the right store, you may find that it is more than just a part-time after school job.

What grocery store are you going to work at?


What Grocery Store Pays the Best in 2025 (plus benefits)

I loved working in grocery stores. But when you’re first starting out, it’s not uncommon to wonder what grocery store pays the best?

Whole Foods Market and Costco both have a starting wage of $15.00 per hour. That makes them the highest paying grocery stores of the stores that report starting wages. However, Target plans to raise its starting wage to $15.00 by the end of 2020. Walmart, by comparison, currently has a starting wage of $11.00

But that’s only the beginning!

You also can’t go solely on base pay alone. Some stores offer benefits even to part-time employees. Others may do 401k matches, health insurance, and employee discounts.

So it’s important to look at the big picture.

Working in a grocery store can be a great experience with lots of opportunities for advancement. Whether you are new to the workforce and working part-time after school, or changing careers.

So, what is the highest paying grocery store? What is the best store to work at? Do any grocery stores provide employee discounts?

Keep reading to find more!

What is the highest paying grocery store?

One of the best things about job hunting for work at a grocery store is that stores are always hiring. Literally every store. From the small grocery store in rural America to the big chain in the city, you won’t have a problem finding work.

High pay, on the other hand, can be hard to come by.

So, which grocery stores pay the most?

The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. (source)

Fortunately, many stores are going well above and beyond as it relates to minimum wage. In fact, when I was running the original Whole Foods store in San Francisco 18 years ago, our starting wage was $10.00 and many cashiers who had been there a little while were closer to $20/hr.

Stores like Target, Costco, and Walmart all pay well over the federal minimum wage.

Here are the best-known stores from highest to lowest paying:

  • Costco & Whole Foods Market comes in at the highest at $15.00.
  • Target starts off at $13.00 per hour and will increase its wages to $15.00 per hour by the end of 2020.
  • Trader Joes starts off at $12.03 per hour
  • Walmart’s minimum is $11.00 per hour.
  • Safeway starts at a disappointing $9.76 per hour 
  • Kroger starts at a disappointing $8.15 per hour

(sourcesource & source & source & source & source)

But different positions may have a different starting pay rate. You may be surprised to see how many people it takes to keep a grocery store up and running!

For example, a cashier may start off at $13.00 per hour at Target, but someone who stocks shelves may start off at a different rate; especially if they are working what’s called the “graveyard shift”.

That’s when they stock shelves overnight, often arriving for work at 10 pm.

Not sure what all the different positions are in a grocery store?

I break it all down for you in this recent article. I get into every position and what the job description is and requirements.

After all, if you’re going to excel at it and make the most money possible, it needs to be aligned with your skillset.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

But what about pay, hours, and benefits combined?

After all, great pay doesn’t mean much if they only schedule you 20 hours a week.

And it might be worth taking a dollar an hour less if they cover most of your health insurance. So based on the information the top companies make available, cross-referenced with companies like Glass Door, please refer to the following chart:

Grocery Chain Starting Wage % of Full-time Employees Provide Health Insurance? Paid Time Off? Employee Discount?
Safeway $9.76 37% “Affordable options” Yes 10%
Kroger $8.15 not available Yes Yes 10%
Walmart $11.00 50% “Affordable options” Yes 10% off some items
Target $13.00 not available Yes Unclear 10-20%
Whole Foods $15.00 not available Yes Yes 20-30%
Costco $15.00 59% Yes Yes 190
Trader Joes $12.03 not available Yes Yes Yes

Sources not listed elsewhere: (source & source & source & source & source)

What is the best grocery store to work at?

Grocery stores can be great first part-time jobs. They can also be an excellent stepping stone to a permanent career.

Trader Joe’s has been listed in Forbes as being the best place to work. Costco and Wegmans have both made the list, too. (source)

Not only does Trader Joe’s pay above minimum wage, but they also provide benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and a company-funded retirement plan to part-time and full-time employees alike.

Employees love working at Trader Joe’s, too. They encourage a culture of camaraderie and sharing responsibilities throughout the store. They even encourage employees to sample the food they sell!

But, of course, Whole Foods Market has also made the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For, for almost all of the past 25 years.

Costco made the list of top employers, too.

In March 2019, they raised their minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. They also provide part-time workers and full-time workers with access to benefits like health insurance, 401K, and PTO.

Being a team player is an important aspect of working in a grocery store. On busy days you may have to leave your department to help out a coworker.

Not sure what it takes to be a successful grocery store employee?

Take it from me. I worked for Whole Foods for more than 2 decades, starting at the very bottom. Eventually, I became one of their best and top-awarded store managers.

So I know a thing or 2 about being successful in that environment. To learn more, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Do any grocery stores start at $15 an hour?


Costco raised it’s minimum wage to $15.00 per hour in 2019, less than a year after they raised it to $14.50.

Target has announced that it will be raising its minimum wage to $15.00 per hour by the end of 2020. (source)

Trader Joe’s doesn’t have a specific minimum wage they pay across the entire country. Instead, they pay a wage that is competitive with the surrounding area. Each starting pay is based on what it will take to attract the best talent.

In some places, Trader Joe’s minimum wage is $24.75 an hour??! But $12.03 is currently their average starting wage.

All of these stores provide part-time employees with benefits, too! Things like medical and dental insurance, paid parental leave, access to retirement plans, and even PTO (paid time off) are offered to part-time employees.

This is a great improvement from working at a grocery store 20 years ago.

20 years ago, grocery stores paid the federal minimum wage and didn’t offer any fringe benefits to part-time employees. Employee retention wasn’t a priority.

It’s wonderful that so many employers are making their employees a priority. Work should enhance your life and make you feel valued. Not like you are just a cog in the machine.

How much does Costco pay an hour?

In March of 2019, Costco raised its minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.

Not only do they go above and beyond the federal minimum wage, but Glassdoor has also awarded Costco in its “Best Places to Work” list every year since 2012. (source)

Employees love working at Costco, too. 80% of former and current employers would recommend working at Costco to their friends. (source)

Costco has “great benefits,” even for part-time employees.

The most important benefit, though, is that they offer health insurance to all of their employees, including part-timers. They also offer a matching 401K plan, PTO, and a Thanksgiving turkey.

When considering how much a company pays per hour, it’s important to think about the benefits package, too.

While it’s not something you use every day, health insurance, PTO, retirement options, and disability insurance should all be considered when job hunting.

It’s also not often that companies offer benefits to part-time employees.

So, if you are looking for a job, even a part-time one, Costco should definitely be on your list!

But when applying, know that in some job markets, you’ll be up against dozens, if not hundreds of others!

In those cases, it pays to know an insider’s perspective on how to get noticed and get your foot in the door.

Luckily, I break that all down in this recent article with lots of valuable tips on how to land the job.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Do you get a discount if you work at a grocery store?


But if they do offer a discount, it won’t be much.

While stores like Aldi provide excellent benefits, even to part-timers, they don’t offer employee discounts. Their prices are already so low, they can’t reduce them much more if they still want to make a profit.

Trader Joe’s and Meijer both offer employee discounts, too.

When I worked for Whole Foods Market (I left in 2013 before Amazon took over), they had a tiered discount system.

Everyone got 20% off once they were out of their initial hiring probation system. But if you were open to submitting for a physical (that they paid for), you could get a larger discount if you had low blood pressure, low cholesterol, and low body mass.

Essentially, and again, this was voluntary, they paid their employees to be healthier. 

I don’t see mention of that system on their website today, but it does say “Plus, after six months, you have the opportunity to increase that discount up to 30%.” (source)

An employee discount, while nice, shouldn’t be your deciding factor in where you choose to work. It’s important to look at the whole benefits package.

Things like health insurance, dental insurance, and retirement plans can’t be replaced by a 10% discount.

And while benefits are great, company culture is important, too. You spend a lot of time at work. You want to work at a place you love and where you actually want to be.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we talked about the highest paying grocery stores.

We talked about what stores pay $15.00 per hour to start. And we also talked about what stores offer benefits to part-time employees.

Then we also talked about what stores offer employee discounts.

Working at a grocery store can be a great experience. Whether it’s your first job or you are looking to supplement retirement.

With a variety of departments, you are bound to find a position you love.

You may even be interested in becoming a store manager. If that’s the case, read this recent article to find out what kind of education and experience you need to get into management.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Which grocery store will you work at? Will you make it a career or will it be a stepping stone to another career.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”7qOd0xMM” upload-date=”Sat Aug 08 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)” name=”What Grocery Store Pays the Best? (& has the best benefits)” description=”I loved working in grocery stores. But when you’re first starting out, it’s not uncommon to wonder what grocery store pays the best? Here’s what I know from 2+ decades of experience: Whole Foods Market and Costco both have a starting wage of $15.00 per hour. That makes them the highest paying grocery stores of the stores that report starting wages. However, Target plans to raise its starting wage to $15.00 by the end of 2020. Walmart, by comparison, currently has a starting wage of $11.00 But that’s only the beginning! You also can’t go solely on base pay alone. Some stores offer benefits even to part-time employees. Others may do 401k matches, health insurance, and employee discounts. So it’s important to look at the big picture. Working in a grocery store can be a great experience with lots of opportunities for advancement. Whether you are new to the workforce and working part-time after school, or changing careers. So, what is the highest paying grocery store? What is the best store to work at? Do any grocery stores provide employee discounts? Keep reading to find more!”]

Can Instacart Deliver Alcohol? (Yes, but not in every state)

Nothing quite beats the convenience of having a delivery service like Instacart bring you your groceries right to your doorstep. But what about alcohol? Can Instacart deliver alcohol?

Instacart currently delivers alcohol in 14 states, both from grocery stores, where allowed, but from liquor stores too. Beer, wine, & liquor are available in those areas, but recipients must show ID & cannot be visibly intoxicated. Instacart also cannot leave alcohol unattended; you must be present for delivery.

But there’s a lot more to know about Instacart delivery, alcohol laws, and how they both tie together, so let’s dig in a little deeper.

Instacart is awesome! They can even deliver them in under an hour in certain circumstances.

If you want a glass of wine or some beer with your dinner, will they deliver it with your groceries?

Will they deliver liquor? What states even allow alcohol to be delivered? Does Instacart mark up prices on alcohol?

You have questions. I have the answers!

Just keep reading to find out.

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

Does Instacart have alcohol?

Instacart has alcohol delivery available in 14 states and Washington, D.C. Alcohol is available from more than one-third of their retail partners.

What 14 states those are is listed in the next section.

Purchasing alcohol through Instacart is easy.

Simply open the Instacart mobile app or head over to their website at Select your city and store, and shop like normal.

When your delivery arrives, be sure to have your ID handy, as you must be 21 years old to purchase alcohol.

Don’t forget to tip your Instacart driver when they deliver your groceries and booze.

They are providing a service, after all. Instacart drivers are not only making your life easier by doing your shopping for you, but they also are sure to pick the best items.

They make sure to get the items with the best expiration dates, that don’t have any damage and are priced the best.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to tip 15-20% like at a restaurant. Just read this recent article where I break down exactly how much to tip, and whether you need to do it in cash or on the app.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What states allow alcohol delivery through Instacart?

Instacart alcohol delivery is available today in:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Washington, D.C.


They are continually rolling out alcohol delivery in more states. So if it’s not available in your state, keep checking. It may be available soon!

If Instacart doesn’t deliver alcohol to you, you might want to consider having alcohol directly shipped to your home.

The majority of states allow for out-of-state to ship alcohol directly to consumers. However, Alabama, Oklahoma, and Utah specifically prohibit the direct shipment of alcohol to consumers.

Of the states that do allow the shipment of alcohol, only five states allow the shipment of all spirits.

They are:

  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire

Eight states allow direct shipment of beer and wine. They are Delaware, Massachusetts, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia. The rest of the states allow direct shipments of wine only.

Having alcohol directly shipped to you can be a great way to try new and interesting flavors of beer or wine. However, it can get really expensive, as many alcohol delivery services are subscription-based.

You also may not get to pick exactly what you want.

Just as an example, FirstLeaf will send you wine that they pick out for you at about $13.00 per bottle. You fill out a quiz before signing up, and they will send you wine based on those answers.

Each shipment will contain different wines. However, if you find something you like, you may not get it in the next shipment, but you might be able to order it individually from their website.

What are the Instacart alcohol delivery rules?

To purchase alcohol through Instacart, customers must be 21 or older, have and show a valid government-issued ID card, and not be visibly intoxicated. They also much be present at the time of delivery as alcohol cannot be left unattended.

First and foremost, understand that alcohol is not available at all retailers in all markets. They cannot fulfill special requests or replacements for alcohol.

You must present your ID upon delivery. When the order is delivered, you must sign for the delivery.

  • No alcohol will be left unattended.
  • No alcohol will be delivered to anyone that is visibly intoxicated.

If you do not present your ID, are not present, or are visibly intoxicated, alcohol will not be delivered. In this case, you will not be charged for the alcohol.

To read their alcohol policies for yourself, just click here. This link takes you straight to Instacart’s Alcohol policies page on their website.

Of course, you should always be responsible regarding your alcohol consumption. Don’t drink and drive and certainly don’t purchase alcohol for minors.

Does Instacart deliver just beer & wine?

Instacart delivers beer, wine, and spirits in certain states where legally allowed. In states that allow it, Instacart can deliver liquor from grocery stores. But in states where that is not allowed, they have also partnered with specific liquor stores for delivery.

The abolition of prohibition in 1933 left states with the power to regulate alcohol sales. So now there is a confusing hodgepodge of liquor laws across the country.

To read about which states allow the sale of liquor in grocery stores, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

If your state doesn’t allow the sale of liquor at grocery stores, take comfort in the fact that Instacart also delivers for some liquor specialty stores.

These stores include BevMo!, Binny’s Beverage Depot, and Total Wine & More.

If you don’t live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, or Washington, D.C., you’re just going to be out of luck. Even if your state does allow for the sale of liquor in grocery stores.

Those are the only state in which Instacart delivers alcohol.

Does Instacart markup prices on alcohol?

Sometimes, Instacart does charge more than store prices.

According to Instacart, they charge an average of 15% more money on stores that have a markup. This isn’t so bad if you’re purchasing $50 in groceries. This is very bad if you purchase $200 worth of groceries.

However, Instacart partners up with different stores to provide delivery services without a markup.

If you purchase your alcohol from one of the partner stores, you shouldn’t see a price increase.

To read more about what stores Instacart have partnered up with, and their pricing policies read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

The best way to know whether or not you’ll be charged more at a specific store is by reviewing Instacart’s pricing information page.

According to that page, it’s the retailers themselves that set the prices charged through Instacart.

Don’t let the potentially higher prices steer you away from the app, though. Instacart is a thriving business for many reasons.

Instacart also charges a delivery fee of $7.99 for one-hour delivery or $5.99 for a two-hour or more delivery.

The convenience value alone is enough to make the markups and fees well worth staying home. There’s certainly a line where it’s probably a better idea to go out instead. Still, it all depends on the markup percentage.

If you find that you don’t mind the markup percentage, and use Instacart regularly, you may find that their annual membership fee is a better value. For $149 per year, you can get free two-hour delivery on orders of $35.00 or more.

Pair the annual fee with a partner store and two-hour delivery, and it could be very affordable.

Final Thoughts

Instacart offers fantastic convenience. It makes life so much easier when you can have groceries dropped at your door.

It can make life even easier when you can have alcohol delivered to your door. In this article, we took a look at the ins and outs of Instacart alcohol delivery. We discussed the rules of having Instacart deliver alcohol, and whether they mark up prices on alcohol.

While it’s not available in every state, it may be available in your state soon. If it’s alcohol delivery is not available in your state, it could simply be because of your local laws and regulations.

Ready to start ordering from Instacart?

CLICK HERE to go to the Instacart order page.

Photos which require attribution:
Instacart_PwG_anim_02 by 姿穎 呂 and Cold Beer by Northwest Retail are licensed under CC2.0

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”TYI6vFMW” upload-date=”Mon Aug 03 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)” name=”Can Instacart Deliver Alcohol? (Yes, but not in every state)” description=”Nothing quite beats the convenience of having a delivery service like Instacart bring you your groceries right to your doorstep. But what about alcohol? Can Instacart deliver alcohol? I decided to check into it and discovered: Instacart does currently deliver alcohol in 14 states, both from grocery stores, where allowed, but some liquor stores too. Beer, wine, & liquor are available in those areas, but recipients must show ID & cannot be visibly intoxicated. Instacart also cannot leave alcohol unattended; you must be present for delivery. But there’s a lot more to know about Instacart delivery, alcohol laws, and how they both tie together, so let’s dig in a little deeper. Instacart is awesome! They can even deliver them in under an hour in certain circumstances. If you want a glass of wine or some beer with your dinner, will they deliver it with your groceries? Will they deliver liquor? What states even allow alcohol to be delivered? Does Instacart mark up prices on alcohol? You have questions. I have the answers! Just keep reading to find out.”]

Which Grocery Store Has the Best Chicken? (Rotisserie too!)

Chicken. It’s lean, healthy, and versatile. Millions of people eat it every day. It’s sold in grocery stores all over the world. But which grocery store has the best chicken?

For ingredient & additive quality standards and animal welfare policies, no grocery chain beats Whole Foods Market. No antibiotics are ever administered in the life of the chicken. They (and many chains) also offer organically grown chickens which, by definition, are also free-range. 

But there’s a lot more to know about chicken and grocery stores than just that. So let’s keep going!

So in this article, we’re looking not only at what stores have the best chicken? But also, what does it mean when a chicken is raised without antibiotics or hormones?

What stores have the best rotisserie chicken? And what brands of chicken should be avoided?

We’re going to get into all of these questions and more.

Just keep reading!

What store has the best chicken?

There are tons of supermarkets out there, so this article is going to focus on a handful of well-known supermarkets.

Shopping for good chicken is a lot harder than shopping for a good steak. When shopping for steak, you should look for good marbling and a nice red color with no brown spots.

But for the most part, all chicken pretty much looks the same when you are purchasing it from the store.

So with chicken, you pretty much have to rely on the reputation of the store. You have to trust that the store is sourcing its chicken responsibly and being transparent with their policies.

Another factor in the quality of chicken is whether it is given growth hormones or antibiotics.

Animals fed right and treated humanely are not just for marketing. They make for better tasting, healthier meat. As a bonus, you can feel good that the bird lived it’s best life before it landed on your plate.

You can take that up a notch and look for chicken that is fed organically grown feed and free-range. Free-range simply means the chicken spends at least some of its life roaming the grounds of the farm somewhat freely rather than being kept in a cage.

Here are some of the best-known grocery chains in the US and how they stack up:


According to the Publix website, their GreenWise chicken is raised with no antibiotics or added hormones. They are also fed a 100% vegetarian diet. They contain no artificial ingredients or preservatives.

Publix also indicates that they use a special chilling technique that optimizes the taste and texture of the chicken. This special technique is said to result in chicken that is tender and juicy.

They also have their GreenWise Organic Chicken which is USDA-certified organic. (source)

Whole Foods Market

Meat sold at Whole Foods has over 100 animal welfare standards it must meet before it is sold in the store.

These standards don’t just apply to chicken. They also apply pork, beef, sheep, goats, and turkey.

If an animal ever gets an antibiotic treatment, it won’t be sold at Whole Foods. They also don’t permit added growth hormones. Animals are fed a 100% vegetarian diet with no animal by-products.

Sometimes chicken can be labeled free of antibiotics when, in fact, they were given to the animal earlier in their life, but none were present when the meat was tested at slaughter time.

So if you’re concerned about antibiotics in meat (and you should be) look for a label that says something like “Never ever given antibiotics.” Avoid products that simply say “antibiotic-free”, “No antibiotics added”, or “All Natural” as those have a lot more legal leeway and don’t necessarily tell you the whole story.

Whole Foods also ensures that animals are raised, transported, and slaughtered humanely.

Because there are such stringent standards to the meat that is sold at Whole Foods, you can rest assured that any meat you purchase will be healthy and free of nasty additives.

Whole Foods even ensures that the life of the chicken can be traced throughout the supply chain. Just look for the “Complete Traceability to Farms” phrase on the packaging. (source)


Kroger is not as transparent about their meat policy.

They do offer antibiotic-free meat and their line of Simple Truth meat products that are free of growth hormones. And they do require that suppliers meet standards set by the National Chicken Council.

When talking about chicken, it’s natural to think about eggs. Kroger has made cage-free eggs an option. They have committed to providing a 100% cage-free egg supply chain by 2025. (source)

Trader Joe’s

Like Kroger, Trader Joe’s is not very transparent about their meat policy.

It is difficult to find detailed information about how their chickens are raised and what they are fed.  However, I did find that they carry organic free-range chicken.

But their FAQ page does state “Trader Joe’s offers items from sources of a conventional nature (where antibiotics are likely used) and sources that do not use antibiotics (organic, all-natural or explicitly labeled as antibiotic-free [ABF]).”

Given we know the USDA doesn’t officially recognize the term “antibiotic-free” and that the poultry simply tested negative for antibiotics at the time of slaughter, their organic line would be the safe way to go there.


Wegman’s policy is that animals should not be mistreated.

They work with trusted suppliers and visit facilities to ensure that the chickens are being treated humanely. But at the end of the day, they’re pretty vague (especially compared to Whole Foods) on exactly what that means.

Wegman’s Animal Welfare Policy page does at least note “no antibiotics ever” as an option for some of their chicken. They also sell organic and free-range chicken.

After Whole Foods, Wegmans is the clearest of the big chains I researched here in terms of clearly displaying their animal welfare and additive standards on their website.

What is the best brand of chicken?

Not all chicken brands are created equal. A Fancy label does not mean better tasting chicken.

But beware, some lesser brands actually inject a salt solution into the chicken.

It plumps it up, and, of course, adds to the weight (making it cost more). It also keeps the chicken fresher longer. Typically it’s a 2% sodium or potassium lactate solution that will be added. So make sure and check the label and see if it says that (they are required to disclose it by law). (source)

Your best bet would be to buy a couple of chickens, cook them up and taste them for yourself to find a brand that works for you and your family.

However, I found at Publix GreenWise chicken is delicious. It is tender and juicy and has a nice texture.

But, if you’re really concerned about how the chickens are raised and slaughtered, Whole Foods Market is the best choice. They have very strict standards for how, not just chickens, but all of their meat, is raised and slaughtered.

If an animal is ever given antibiotics, the meat will not be sold at Whole Foods. So you can rest assured that you will not be ingesting unnecessary antibiotics.

Chicken isn’t the only thing worth being picky about at the grocery store!

If you’re a steak lover, you won’t want to miss my recent article about which grocery stores have the best steaks.

I get into all of it; USDA grading, Prime, Kobe, Choice, Select, and which grocery stores stack up and which ones miss the mark.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Which grocery store has the best rotisserie chicken?

In this case, the term “best” could refer to the quality of the chicken and things like we’ve discussed (antibiotics & hormones). But “best” could also refer to the flavor.

So we’ll dive in a little bit to both.

Rotisserie chicken is delicious. And today you can find it in just about every grocery store you visit. However, they are not all created equally.

If you have a Costco nearby, they really have the best tasting rotisserie chicken. Their chicken is big enough to feed a family of four, and they are delicious. The meat is juicy, the skin is crispy, and at $4.99 each, the price is right.

However, their chicken is cheap in part due to lower quality meat. The following ingredients were, at the time of this writing, on their label: “salt, sodium phosphate, modified food starch, potato dextrin, carrageenan, sugar, dextrose”.

Their meat and poultry standards also reveal they “limit application of these antibiotics”

But it’s not a surprise that stores would use lower quality chicken for their cooked products. They are, after all, in business to make money. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

So if you want flavor and a low price, Costco is the way to go.

Out of Publix, Whole Foods, Kroger, Trader Joe’s, and Wegmans, Publix has the best tasting rotisserie chicken.  They have a wide variety of options, the price is reasonable, and it’s always hot and fresh.

The biggest problem with Publix rotisserie chicken is that many complain they tend to run out early. But if your top concern is animal welfare and artificial ingredients, Whole Foods Market still makes the top of the list.

What are the USDA poultry grades and standards?

There are three grades of poultry, Grade A, B, and C, that can be sold in stores.

Unlike beef, you can’t just look at the meat to see if it’s a good cut. With beef, you look at marbling and the color of the meat itself to determine the quality. Of course, the USDA also grades beef, but it’s not hard to get an idea of how it’s going to taste based on looks alone.

Most of the poultry you will find in your meat department will be Grade A.

Whole chickens, chicken breast, chicken thighs, etc. Chicken that is Grade B or C will be processed into cut-up, chopped, or ground poultry products.

There are three main factors in grading poultry:

  • Exposed flesh
  • Disjointed or broken bones
  • Missing parts

The table below summarizes each grade and the factors:

Exposed Flesh The total length of cuts on breast or legs must be less than 1/4″ and the total length of cuts everywhere else must be less than 1 1/2″ 1/3 of the flesh on a part may be exposed More than 1/3 of the flesh on a part may be exposed
Disjointed or broken bones None or one disjointed Two disjointed OR One disjointed and one non-protruding broken OR One non-protruding broken No limit
Missing parts Wing tips and/or tail removed at the base Wing(s) to 2nd joint AND/OR back area removed up to one-half way to the hip joint, not wider than the base of the tail Back area not wider than the base of tail extending to the area beyond halfway to hip joints

(table source)

What does chicken without antibiotics and hormones mean?

Food labels can be confusing. Chicken labels are no exception.

What does it mean when chicken is labeled “antibiotic-free” or “organic”? What about “no added hormones”? So, here’s the good news. No chicken that you buy in the store will ever be given added hormones or steroids.

By law, hormones are not allowed in raising poultry.

If the phrase “no hormones added” is on the label, it must be followed by a statement that says “Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones.” source

In other words, like labeling a bag of carrots “gluten-free”, it’s a marketing gimmick to make you think their products are somehow better or safer. The trouble is, shoppers became so confused, that now, almost everyone does it as they don’t want shoppers to their product has added hormones.

But even if the chicken isn’t labeled as being hormone-free, you can rest assured that it is in fact, free of hormones.

Just like people, chickens sometimes get sick. When they do, a veterinarian may administer an antibiotic. Once a chicken has been given an antibiotic, it may not be labeled as being “raised without antibiotics” or “no antibiotics ever.”

However, federal regulations require that chickens that have received antibiotics cannot leave the farm until it has cleared from their system.

So in that aspect, all of the chicken you buy is technically “antibiotic-free.” But if you want to make sure the animal was never, ever, given antibiotics, look for a label that says “no antibiotics ever”.

How do you buy chicken from the grocery store?

There are so many different kinds of chicken at the grocery store. So how do you know what to look for when shopping?

Firstly, check the “best by” date. Eating chicken that is out of date will make you sick.

Check out the color of the chicken. It should have a pinkish hue. Chicken will fade from pink to a dull gray color as it spoils. So if there is even a hint of gray coloring, leave it at the store.

If you are purchasing chicken with the skin on, make sure the skin covers each piece.  You don’t want to short yourself any of that delicious crispy skin.

But there is more to look out for when it comes to labeling.

Some labels don’t really mean anything. These should be considered marketing schemes.


The first label to look for is organic. Look for the USDA Organic logo, not just the word “organic.” This ensures that the chicken was fed an organic feed and at least has access to the outdoors.


We’ve established that the hormone-free label doesn’t really mean anything.


But you still want to look out for the antibiotic-free label (and ideally no antibiotics ever). Yes, any antibiotics given to chickens has to be clear of its system before it leaves the farm. But you have to have a lot of trust in the farmer to really know that the antibiotic is actually out of the chicken.


Another term that doesn’t really mean much is cage-free. Sure, these chickens do not live in cages. Instead, they live in warehouses with concrete floors and no windows.

A slightly better option would be to look for free-range or free-roaming chicken.

According to the USDA, to be labeled as “free-range” or “free-roaming,” chickens must have access to the outdoors for some part of the day. (source)

However, there are no requirements for the length of time the chicken must spend outdoors, the size of the outdoor area, or the type of ground cover.

So, for example, there could be a small door at the end of a barn that is open for 10 minutes per day. Because the door is open, the chickens have access to the outside. This qualifies them as “free-range” chickens.

So are free-range chickens the happiest chickens? Do they have the freedom to run around, eat bugs, and live their best chicken life? I don’t know. And if they still end up slaughtered, does that even matter?

Another thing to understand is that not all free-range chicken is organic.

But all organic chicken is free-range. To receive free-range certification, the chickens must have access to the outdoors, among other things.

Like steak, but not sure if Prime is worth the money?

I recently conducted a blind taste test of USDA Choice, USDA Prime, Certified Angus, and Grass-fed ribeye steaks.

Prime is definitely the most expensive of those 4, but did it taste the best?  Find out my results in this recent article and brief video where you’ll see it all unfold!

Just click that link to see it on my site!

Are there some chicken brands to avoid at the grocery store?

Every chicken producer must meet USDA regulations to be sold in grocery stores.

So you can feel pretty confident that whatever chicken you purchase will be safe to eat.

That said, you shouldn’t just pick up any old chicken. You should still read the label and make sure that it meets your personal standards.

There are probably some types of chicken to avoid as well as some brands that I personally avoid.

Ground chicken for one. Ground chicken can be made up of several different birds from several different places. So you won’t know if it’s been previously frozen or the quality of the meat pre-grinding.

In that case, it’s better to buy your chicken breast and grind them at home. Then you know exactly what you are getting.

Brands to avoid is a very subjective phrase.

If the way chickens are raised and slaughtered matters, then there are some brands that you may want to avoid.

Personally, there are some companies out there that simply do not have a good reputation.

Tyson is one example. Tyson has been sued more than once. Not only for mislabeling its packaging as “natural” or “all-natural,” but they also have a history of mistreating animals. source

They also have a history of being environmentally irresponsible.

They’ve been known to dump millions of pounds of toxic pollutants into U.S. Waterways and wash products with hazardous chemical disinfectants. All while claiming to be environmentally responsible. source

Tyson certainly isn’t the only company that has some controversy.

Perdue Farms, one of the largest poultry companies in the US, has been known to push around farmers and take advantage of them. Farmers often have to kill several thousand chickens per flock, at the direction of Perdue, without compensation. source

So, if not polluting the environment, the way farmers are treated or the way chickens are treated matters to you, you may want to consider avoiding Tyson and/or Perdue brands.

Final Thoughts

We covered a lot of information in this article. It can be a lot to digest, I know. (See what I did there?)

We went over what grocery stores have the best chicken and how to buy chicken at the store. I also discussed the best and worst chicken to purchase at the store.

Then we talked about some common terms that you may have seen on the packaging. And we also talked about the different USDA Grades.

While not all chicken is created equal, it’s not too difficult to find quality chicken. Organic and cage-free chickens usually make for the best chicken.

Personally, I find chicken thighs to be the most flavorful and the juiciest.

What Are the Different Sections of a Grocery Store?

Grocery store departments and aisles are organized to make it easier for shoppers to find what they need. While some chains have some unique aspects or categories, most grocery stores have similar layouts, so what are the different sections of a grocery store?

Almost all grocery stores start with the Produce department and then line the walls with Meat, Seafood, Deli & Bakery. Then the center of the store encompasses the Grocery department, along with Beer & Wine, and Health & Beauty. The Front End is where the cashiers and baggers finalize the shopping experience.

But that just scratches the surface!

Some small grocery stores are specialty stores that may sell primarily organic and healthy food. Some may have full-service meat departments with butchers.

All grocery stores, though, have certain things in common.

So in this article, we’re diving deep into grocery stores. We’ll explore the layouts, department names, why milk is always at the back of the store, and much more!

As you shop, you’ve no doubt noticed that some days the store is totally full and other days totally empty. Why is that?

Click here to read a complete guide to what days of the week grocery stores re-stock. I get into how to know, since different stores do things differently. But I also cover how you can save money by timing your shopping trips correctly!

Just keep reading!

What are the most common areas of a grocery store?

Grocery stores are specifically designed to make it easier for the shopper to find what they need as well as increase profits.

Many grocery stores have a deli, bakery where they make fresh cakes, or coffee shop with tables and chairs, encouraging you to hang out at the store as long as possible. Some grocery stores have floral departments while others do not.

Lots of grocery stores are mom and pop stores. These stores are usually tiny and often don’t have a butcher, if they have a meat department at all.

But there are a few things that every grocery store has in common. No matter how big or small, you’ll find that every grocery store has common categories, aisles, and areas.

Let’s start with the common areas of the grocery store.

When you first walk into the doors of your favorite grocery store, the first thing you’ll notice is the Produce department. This is where all the fruits and vegetables are. We’ll explore this and the other major departments in greater detail below.

While up at the front of the store, you’ll also likely notice what is called the Front End department.

This is usually where the cash registers are located. The customer service desk will likely be nearby as well. There may be an ATM or even a full-service bank.

Then we have what is called the perimeter departments.

These are departments that line the walls around the store. We’ll get to the interior, or center of the store in a minute.

The perimeter may include a bakery, deli, meat, seafood department, or even a coffee bar.

The perimeter is also where you’ll find your dairy products as well, typically about as far away from the front doors as possible. More on that below too.

Finally, there is always going to be a center area of the store.

This is where your general grocery items are going to be located. But it is also where you’ll find household cleaners, pet food, and other miscellaneous items.

The center of the store is typically called the Grocery department and while it doesn’t always make up the largest percentage of a store’s sales, it is the largest department in the store. It is also the one department that virtually every customer shops in.

So the Grocery department is critical to a store’s success.

The health & beauty products may also be located in the center of the store as well. This will include not only vitamins, herbal products, but also make-up and body products.

Are grocery stores designed to make you walk a certain way?

Yes, is the short answer.

Grocery stores are typically designed to encourage you to travel from the right side of the store towards the left. The next time you go to the grocery store, pay attention to where things are located.

The produce department will typically be the first department you shop in. The cooler/freezer section will likely be the last section you reach.

But while grocery stores don’t often move entire departments, it’s not uncommon for them to move products and categories from one aisle to another.

This isn’t just to annoy their shoppers (although it often does).

Curious about the psychology behind how stores are laid out, and why the change the layout? I have the answer in this recent article from my 20+ years of working for Whole Foods Market.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

What are the most common grocery store terms?

Grocery stores can sometimes be hard to navigate, especially when you see terms like “free-range”, “organic”, “grass-fed,” and “all-natural.”

So let’s explore some of these terms one by one:

Organically grown foods

Organic food is food that is made without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and other artificial treatments. They are regulated by the government and are not as common as non-organic food.

Organic food can also be more expensive. To read about the cost difference between organic and non-organic food, read this recent article.

Just click the link to read it on my site.


When purchasing beef, “grass-fed” sounds appealing, and it is great, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s organic. Grass-fed beef means that the animal was pasture-raised and was not fed corn or soy.

So when you are shopping for meat, look for organic grass-fed beef with a USDA rating of at least Choice.


The FDA doesn’t have an official ruling of the term “natural” or all-natural”. Because of that, you’ll see that term on products that aren’t really all that natural.

The FDA does go on to say that they”considered the term “natural” to mean that nothing artificial or synthetic (including all color additives regardless of source) has been included in, or has been added to, a food that would not normally be expected to be in that food.”

But they are quick to point out that this general definition was not intended for “food production methods” “food processing methods” or “manufacturing methods”. They also steer clear of implying whether the term relates to health or nutrition. (source)

So basically it’s a worthless term. Check the ingredient list to make sure that the ingredients you want to avoid aren’t in that product.

But food-related terms aren’t the only terms grocery stores use.

You’ll also hear terms like “rain check,” “rebates,” “unit price,” and “end cap,” among others.

When things go on sale, they will sometimes run out. When this happens, stores will sometimes issue a rain check. That way, you can still get the sale price when the item is back in stock, even if it’s not on sale anymore. Think of it as an in-store coupon.

A rebate is a refund for a portion of your purchase.

Sometimes they are instant and applied at the register upon purchase. Other times, you’ll have to mail in the rebate coupon with a copy of your receipt. Rebates are issued directly from the manufacturer.

The best way to make sure you are getting the most value for your money is to look for the unit price. It is found on the shelf tag and will tell you how much an item costs by a unit of measurement. It is usually by the ounce, but can also be by the pound or per item, like with paper products.

The special display shelves that you’ll find at the end of the aisles are called end caps.

These displays are to drive purchases. Sometimes the items are on sale, but just because it is on display, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s cheaper.

Another term to look out for is limit.

Oftentimes, when something goes on sale, there will be a purchase limit. So, if you see a “limit 10” on a shelf tag or in a sales circular, that means you can purchase a maximum of 10 items at the sale price.

Limits are usually per shopping trip or per day, so feel free to go back the next day to purchase more!

What are the common grocery store categories & aisles?

The majority of grocery stores will have many categories and aisles in common.

Smaller mom and pop stores may not have all of these categories, but generally big chains will have most of them.

Common grocery store departments and sections are:

  • The Produce department
  • The Meat department
  • The Seafood department
  • The Beer and Wine section
  • The Health and Beauty department
  • The Deli/Prepared Foods department
  • The Front End

Grocery stores may also have a separate floral department, often connected to or adjacent to Produce.

They may also have other specialty departments, like a cafe or coffee bar.

Before we get into what is in each department, let’s talk about the middle aisles of the grocery store.

This is where you’ll find things like cereal, baking ingredients, canned goods, cleaning products, and paper products.

Aisles are organized so that similar products are grouped together. This makes shopping quick and efficient.

The cereal will be in the same aisle as other breakfast items, like cereal bars, oatmeal, and pancake mix. This is also where you’ll find coffee and coffee filters.

The beverage aisle will be where you’ll find soft drinks, juice drinks, water, and energy drinks. Large grocery stores may have more than one beverage aisle.

The bread aisle is where you’ll find hot dog buns, hamburger buns, sandwich rolls, and sandwich bread. It’s also where you’ll find things like peanut butter and jelly. you may also find paper plates.

If paper plates aren’t on your bread aisle, they’ll be on your paper products Isle this will have paper towels and napkins toilet paper. it may also contain cleaning supplies and laundry detergent.

The snack aisle will often be combined with the candy aisle. This is where you’ll find chips and popcorn, pretzels and of course candy.

The canned aisle is where you’ll find canned goods. It is usually comprised of more than one aisle and contains a variety of canned vegetables, fruits, and meats.

The pasta aisle is where you’ll find your dried pasta, pasta sauce, and boxed dinners like Hamburger Helper.

It is also where you’ll find rice. I’ve found that some grocery stores have canned tomatoes on the pasta aisle instead of the canned vegetable aisle. I suppose this makes sense, considering you’ll usually use canned tomatoes in semi-homemade pasta sauce.

Now, let’s look at each individual department.

The Produce department

The produce department is where you’ll find your fresh produce. If a store doesn’t have a separate floral department, it’s also where you’re likely to find fresh flowers.

The freshest and most seasonal produce (and also often the cheapest) is placed at the front while that is not so fresh (and pricier stuff) is put in the back.

It’s normally located just near the entrance of the store. Produce is typically located right at the entrance because of the freshness and bold colors. It’s designed to imply that the whole store is fresh and abundant.

The least expensive items are also positioned at the front of the department to imply that the whole store has great prices and is value-packed.

Ever wonder why produce departments spray water on some vegetables?

Is it really to keep them fresh or are they trying to make the items weigh more since so much of it is sold by the pound? Click here to read my complete breakdown of water spraying in produce departments. Fear not! I give you the inside scoop!

The Meat Department

The meat is where you’ll find beef, chicken, and pork. You may also find some specialty meats like oxtail.

Just like the rest of the store, the meat department is organized so shoppers can quickly find what they are looking for. This department may just be fresh and frozen packaged items.

But larger stores will have a meat counter where you can get specialty cuts or things cut to order.

If you are lucky enough to have a full-service butcher, get to know him or her. They can be a wealth of information. They can also be a good source of how and when to purchase your meat.

Wondering which grocery chains have the best steaks?

Not all steaks and meat are created equal. And there is a lot of variety on meat grading standards. Luckily, I take the mystery out of it for you in this recent article. In it, I talk about which grocery stores have the best steak.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

The Seafood Department

The seafood department is where you’ll find, you guessed it, seafood! Fish, scallops, shrimp – everything that lives under the sea can be found in this department.

It is usually found next to the Meat department on the back wall of the store. In smaller stores and chains it may even be part of the Meat department.

Sometimes you can even find live lobsters in a tank or freshly prepared sushi.

The Beer & Wine Section

Not all grocery stores sell beer and wine, but the ones that do will also have a separate department for it.

There would typically be a lot of bottles and cases on dry shelves as well as a large aisle of refrigerated beer.  There would also typically be a small selection of chilled white wine, rose, and champagne.

Of course in some states, there will also be liquor at the grocery store too!

Which states allow that and which ones don’t and are there restrictions on the hours and days you can buy it? The so-called “blue laws” can be confusing!

Luckily, I break it all down in a recent article where I give you a state by state guide on grocery stores and liquor sales and the history of blue laws.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

The Health & Beauty Department

The health and beauty department is where you’ll find shampoo, makeup, toothpaste and toothbrushes, and vitamins. Basic first aid items, as well as feminine hygiene items, are located in the health and beauty department as well.

This may also be where you’ll find over-the-counter pain relievers and allergy medicine. It is usually located right next to the pharmacy if there is one in that store.

Not all grocery stores have pharmacies but just about every grocery store sells basic health and beauty items.

Deli/Prepared Foods Department

The deli, just like the bakery or meat and seafood departments, will be located along the wall of the grocery store.

This is where you’ll find pre-packaged meats and cheeses. If you have a full-service deli, it’s also where somebody will slice meats and cheeses for you.

Grocery stores will often have fully cooked and hot meats and side dishes ready for purchase served cafeteria-style. Some grocery stores, like Publix and Whole Foods, will even make sandwiches by the order or have self-serve salad bars.

The Front End

The front end is probably the most important part of the grocery store and where all the magic happens.

This is where you will typically be able to find managers if you need help, a customer service desk, and of course, cashiers.

The customer service desk may be where things like rain checks and refunds are issued. 

You may find an ATM nearby as well as coin machines. Sometimes there will even be a full-service bank. Western Union and other money wiring services are often located here as well.

This is also where cashiers get change for their registers.

If you look closely, you’ll notice that the front end is where the store bookkeeper works. The bookkeeper is not only responsible for keeping the books, but they also ensure that the cashier’s tills are stocked with correct amounts of money.

The customer service desk is like the heart of the grocery store. Employees, as well as customers, get what they need from the customer service desk.

If you are a brand new grocery store worker this is probably where you’ll start out. If this is your first job, and you’re nervous about working in a grocery store, read this recent article.

There I talk about all of the things that can make you successful in a grocery store environment. It can be very stressful, but it’s important to keep calm.

Cashiers don’t just checkout customers.

They also have to answer customer questions, and often are responsible for bagging groceries. Cashiers also need to be able to accurately count change back to customers. They are typically the person that customers complain to when the store is out of items or there is a price discrepancy.

They also have to keep their eyes and other senses open to prevent product loss.

Why is milk always in the back of the store?

Milk is a staple item that ends up in almost everyone’s shopping cart.

Even if you’re vegan, chances are you are at least buying cartons of almond or coconut milk which are also located in the same area.

And if you pay attention, you’ll see that this area is almost always at the complete back of the store, typically as far away from the front doors as possible.

Why is that??

Well, it’s not an accident. For decades, savvy grocery store owners, managers, and companies have known that all shoppers will seek this department out. If they placed this are near the front doors, some shoppers would undoubtedly come grab their milk, check out, and be on their way.

So they figured out that if shoppers have to walk all the way through the whole store, they are much more likely to pick up a few extra things along the way.

It’s that same savvy psychology that leads expert grocers to also place stacks of handbaskets throughout the store for those who didn’t grab a cart on the way in.

Many times I’ve gone in to just grab 1 or 2 things, gotten my hands full only to spy a nearby stack of handbaskets. Once I unload my arms into the basket, I’m them much more likely to keep picking up items along the way.

So psychology, marketing, and a keen focus on profits are why the milk is at the back of the store.

Final thoughts

There are some things that every grocery store has. From canned goods to meat and produce. Most every grocery store has packaged lunch meat, but they don’t all have a full-service meat department with a butcher.

Depending on what state you live in, your grocery store may or may not sell alcohol.

Some large chain stores have interesting seafood departments. On the other hand, mom and pop stores probably won’t have a seafood department. In fact, if they sell seafood at all, it will likely be frozen.

But why are some chains only in certain states?

And even then, some stores are only in certain cities and not others even within the same state. Kroger is a good example in Texas where I live as we have them in Dallas, but not in Austin.

Click here to read my complete guide to grocery chains and why some are regional and not national.

Looking for something specific and where it’s located in a store? 

Check out these articles on specific products. Just click any of those links to read more on my website:


Protein Powder

Peppermint Oil


Asian Sauces

What is your favorite grocery store?
[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”Mjzwj6Zt” upload-date=”Mon Aug 10 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)” name=”What Are the Different Sections of a Grocery Store?” description=”Grocery store departments and aisles are organized to make it easier for shoppers to find what they need. While some chains have some unique aspects or categories, most grocery stores have similar layouts, so what are the different sections of a grocery store? Here’s what I know from my decades of experience: Almost all grocery stores start with the Produce department and then line the walls with Meat, Seafood, Deli & Bakery. Then the center of the store encompasses the Grocery department, along with Beer & Wine, and Health & Beauty. The Front End is where the cashiers and baggers finalize the shopping experience. But that just scratches the surface! Some small grocery stores are specialty stores that may sell primarily organic and healthy food. Some may have full-service meat departments with butchers. All grocery stores, though, have certain things in common. So in this article, we’re diving deep into grocery stores. We’ll explore the layouts, department names, why milk is always at the back of the store, and much more!”]